2 - Signs of the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ

After I was born again and accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior, I asked God about the signs He gave to His people through the healings of Jesus and of the parting of the Red Sea. If signs are to be following believers, why have I not seen any evidence of them? I was now a believer, and I wanted an answer to this question. So it wasn't one of those, "God if you show me a sign, then I will believe" things, It was a "God, I do believe, give me something to tell people and I will tell it to them."

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Location: Moose Lake, Minnesota, United States

God gave me a sign, and then he gave me another, and another, and another. I began to wonder why people who believed in Jesus had never tried to talk to me about Him. So after I believed in Jesus and repented for all of my sins, I then asked God a question. How come we don't see any more grandiose miracles and signs anymore? God, I am 36 and I haven't seen any of the kinds that are written in the Bible, like miracle healings, the parting of the Red Sea, a boat in the middle of a lake suddenly is at the other side, 5000 people fed with 1 basket of food, the list goes on. I then asked God to give me a sign, a fun sign, one that people will say WOW to, and if He would do that, I would tell everyone about what God did. Well, God kept His part of the deal, so now I am doing my best to keep mine. That is why this testimony is online at my website called 2 and here on this blog. I just need to tell this story and let God do the rest.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Today is June 20th, 2005 and I just started writing in this blog. I have been given signs from God that have led me on quite a journey. The signs God has given to me are of the number 2, things happeing twice and consecutively. Really rare things and occurances that have dropped my jaw and usually there are many witnesses, which is a good thing so that these things can be checked into and proven.

The signs started on the first Sunday after Easter, but I didn't know at the time that it was "THE SIGN" I had been looking for. It was a really odd and one of those 1 in a billion shots if I may say so that got my attention. The details of this first sign are recorded on my website. The signs of 2's then started on the very next Sunday, the 2nd Sunday after Easter in 2003, which was April 27th, 2003. What happened on this day was very odd, and everything involved the number 2. It was so fun, but when I had realized what had just happened, my jaw then dropped and I knew it was the sign I had been looking for!

I then told anyone and everyone I could about it. Some people thought I was nuts, but the bible says that you will be scoffed at, so this did not worry me. It made the Bible even more true! As I began to tell people, nothing new happened as far as signs go, But I kept on telling people and telling people about these signs that I got and the amazing coincidences surrounding them. I am not sure, but I have a guess about them. What if I hadn't said anything to anyone about them? I am thinking, just guessing here, but I don't think they would have continued. Remember the thing I had asked God for, I asked Him to show me a sign, and that if He did, that I would tell people about them. So after 2 and a half months of telling this story, The signs of 2's started up again and that is what got me to start writing them down, because they were coming in, and I did not want to forget any of them, as they could turn out to mean something later, no matter how small or big the sign was, as some are more jaw dropping than others, I recorded them all to the best of my ability. I may have even missed a few, not sure, but I recorded the ones I became aware of and that is what is important so that I can now share them freely, as freely as I have been given them. I don't believe that if God gives you something like this, you should sell it for a profit. So that is why this story is online for all to read for free. Someday I would like it to be in a book form, but I would try and give it away, and at the least sell it for only what it cost to produce it to break even. But I pray the funds would be available so that I would not even have to do that, I would rather give them away freely.

As the signs continued on, I kept a journal. And then I got my own website to log the journal so others could read it online. It is almost written like a blog, I dont know why I didn't start using a blog in the first place, but this story is now being told on 2 different places on the internet. God even gave me the website address to post it on. That was amazing as well.

Now seeing as how these signs are of the number 2, I had to ask myself and God, why did He use the number 2? He could have used a billion things, a color, a word, a person, a name, a random item, a rare item, you name it, God could have used it. So why did He pick the number 2, and he kept them coming and coming and coming, like He was shouting 2!!!!!!!! So this had me thinking. I thought about the 2nd Coming of Christ right off the bat. I did, I really did. But unless I was sure, I was not going to make that claim. All I know, and what I had spoken to God about in my prayer time with Him was that it says the time is near. So if that be true, than I asked God and said, " If the time is near, then I need to learn things quickly, I need guidance, wisdom and knowledge, I need to be baptized by the Holy Spirit and I want to get baptized in the water as well at some random event out of the blue in a lake or a river. God has answered these requests I made of Him as well, for truly the time is near.

But then I was still thinking about all of these amazing coincidences happening with the number 2, and I would ask God if it meant the 2nd Coming of Jesus? And I received no reply or sign about this. I had God speak other things to me a few times, but never about this topic. So I never made that claim, but surely He is coming, and the time is near. So this is what I went with and I kept reading my bible and listening to sermons and reading more and listening more, and looking up and reading testimonies and doing more searches and I became well versed, not perfectly, but pretty knowledgable about the stories in the Bible at a very quick pace.

I became involved with an online ministry that God led me to, I started doing a little preaching even. I then learned some other things and no longer am with that ministry. God also gave me an answer as to why there are so many different faiths out there and religions. I now see why some people leave a church or a ministry, it is not good to divide, but I could no longer be involved with something I felt was being done wrong. After bringing it to the president of the ministry, I was asked to resign immediately. Wow, I thought. i then brought my testimony up to others involved with the ministry and they agreed, but were afraid to say anything. It was sad that it happened, but it happened for a reason, and God showed me of this.

Also at work at the prison, I was told by my supervisor to check my faith at the door, to stop talking about God to inmates and to cease immediately. I told them I cannot and will not do that. That was a coupld of weeks ago, I have not heard any response from that. Amen.

Getting back to the 2's, On April 26th, 2005, EXACTLY 2 years after the 2's started, that in itself is one of the most amazing signs of this entire story, God gave me a series of signs that lead to the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ as the year 2029. This really blew me away, dropped my jaw and had me awestruck for quite a while. I said, " Lord are you telling me, Is this what I think this means? Lord, You are going to have to confirm this, this is kinda huge don't you think?"
Well God did just that, I received so many coincidences that day, and the poeple involved with these signs are even the names of end time prophets in the Bible! I was and still am wowed.

I started this blog to basically tell this story and to get it out to more people. There has to be more people out there who thought the way I did, I am no one special, I just believed and then things started happeneing. I started looking and seeking and they were revealed unto me. I started sharing my testimony and more was given unto me. My faith grew and grew and grew! Glory to God!

So all along I had an incling of what the 2's meant, but I had to have patience and wait for God to reveal it to me on His timing, which was way better anyway, it always is. About a week or so before the grandiose sign on April 26th, I was talking to God about the book called 2 and I said to Him, "Most books have a really big ending, a bombshell of a revelation, a huge event and so on, when and what will my book have for this kind of ending?" Just a week or so later, Blam! WOW.

I then thought, what now, is this the end of the 2's? Have they and will the cease? I did ask God for and ending so that if I wanted to put it into a book form, I would have some kind of an ending, but I honestly did not want them to stop. And guess what, they didn't! Praise the Lord! They are still happening! What will they lead to next? Only God knows.

So on this blog website I want to do audio blogs and call in some audio files, and on my main website I want to keep adding to the story as signs continue to be given. I honestly think that if I quit looking and quit telling people about them, that they would surely stop. So I won't do that, I will continue to tell this story until my last day on this earth as it is now and go to be with my Lord and savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

So check this blog site out from time to time, and I will record audio clips of signs, some poetry and whatever else the Lord reveals unto me to share. And check out my main website to see what also has been added there. I pray that God will bless and guide each and everyone of you who are seeking the truth. God loves you all, but He will not force you to come to Him, He gave us all free will, and that is the way it should be. He will accept you just as you are right now, knowing you are not perfect, you have many flaws, and He still loves you. How cool is that?

Many people will try and change before they come to Christ, The Bible says to pick up your cross and follow Him. Take all your worries and cares and flaws and be born again into a new life with Jesus as your Savior.

One last thing I will write on this post, although the Lord has given me the Accpetable Year of the Lord as 2029, I do WARN, this is not a license to party it up until that time. No one knows the day nor the hour that the Lord will come. You do not know if your last day will be tonight or tomorrow, so you need to repent now, and say a prayer to God with your mouth. Do it alone or with other believers, it is up to you, But you need to do this, I warn, the time is near and the signs are showing, that the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ is soon approaching.

Say this or something very similar to this in your own heartfelt words. Father, I am a sinner, I repent of my sins and I want to have Jesus come into my heart. I know He was born of a Virgin and he died on the Cross for my sins and that He rose form the Grave up to you Father. Please forgive me. Amen.

Then ask Jesus to be baptized with the Holy Spirit, and then get baptized in water as soon as you can. This is what I did, and I know that in my heart, this is what all must do to go to heaven and spend the rest of eternity with God. It is better than the alternative.

Also as a new believer in Jesus Christ, someoneis going to be rather mad, and that would be Satan. He is going to tell you to do it later and to put it off. You will think of so many things running through your head, He will always lie to you and trick you into not believing. It is his only mission to make you fall, stumble and to turn from the Lord. So be advised, after you say the Lord's prayer, He will come with his stupid little games, but just know that God will never leave or forsake you. Remember, God knows you, he knows all of your flaws, he knows you are not perfect, and accepted you anyway! So don't let the devil tell you anything different! Expect trials and tribulation, Satan is mad and wants you back! He has no need to attack the unsaved, they are doing all right by themselves. He wants to turn you away from the truth, God! And it is his main purpose on this earth to do so. So this is advice I give to you, stay strong, be bold and know that God has your back!


Blogger azjt said...

In April 2003 I had a spiritual premonition that some significant
would happen in 2026. the right answers to truth comes from seeking
light with a humble charitable heart and a sober contrite spirit.
personal prayer to our father in Heven that created us, closed in the
name of Jesus Christ. love peace and joy in the yoke of Christ is the
finish line. each choice is a step. the simple pattern of god is path.
the words of god and the spirit of truth and righteousness is our air.
passing the tests of sacrifice is our second wind. our faith in Christ
is our desire to finish. who we take with us is how well we
finish.blessing others lives builds endurance. the church attended
creates the pace. proper learning ,teaching, and leadership allows you
to always keep on moving forward consistently in the right direction of obedience.
right pace past the finish line in the arms of Jesus.
A significance of the #2 is the number in which the gospel is taught. 2 missionarries. Those that dedicate there lives to selfless seek the way. Those that share gods works walk towards the way. When correct principles are taught in order and lived in order you become the way. For others to see the light house when the countenance of Christ shines upon your face.

1:03 PM  

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