2 - Signs of the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ

After I was born again and accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior, I asked God about the signs He gave to His people through the healings of Jesus and of the parting of the Red Sea. If signs are to be following believers, why have I not seen any evidence of them? I was now a believer, and I wanted an answer to this question. So it wasn't one of those, "God if you show me a sign, then I will believe" things, It was a "God, I do believe, give me something to tell people and I will tell it to them."

My Photo
Location: Moose Lake, Minnesota, United States

God gave me a sign, and then he gave me another, and another, and another. I began to wonder why people who believed in Jesus had never tried to talk to me about Him. So after I believed in Jesus and repented for all of my sins, I then asked God a question. How come we don't see any more grandiose miracles and signs anymore? God, I am 36 and I haven't seen any of the kinds that are written in the Bible, like miracle healings, the parting of the Red Sea, a boat in the middle of a lake suddenly is at the other side, 5000 people fed with 1 basket of food, the list goes on. I then asked God to give me a sign, a fun sign, one that people will say WOW to, and if He would do that, I would tell everyone about what God did. Well, God kept His part of the deal, so now I am doing my best to keep mine. That is why this testimony is online at my website called 2 and here on this blog. I just need to tell this story and let God do the rest.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

August 8th, 9th, 10th 2003 I attended another outdoor music event called the Bayfront Blues Festival in Duluth, Minnesota. This was the 2nd music festival that I have been to this year. I have taken digital pictures at this event also in the past 2 years before this one. This year I was also sent 2 passes from the management office of this event to be able to get up close and get good close up shots of the performers. One pass was a media pass and one pass was a photo pass. The pass number I was issued was number 2. I gave the other pass to Richard and his number on his pass was 011. He also takes pictures at the Moondance Jam music festival. They sent me the passes really late and it was odd that I got number 2. I saw other photographers there with numbers as high as 33.

While I was at the Bayfront Blues Festival with my Uncle, who also came with me to the other Music Festival, I ran into an old girlfriend of mine from high school for the 2nd straight year that she worked there. She is married and has 2 very young children. She was my 2nd serious girlfriend that I went out with as a young man. I say serious in the context of we went out for a long period of time and it was not just a schoolboy relationship that lasted a week or two. It was in the 9th grade and was mostly innocent in that we never slept together. Her name is Nancy and she was working at the lemonade stand. There were 2 lemonade stands that look exactly like large lemons at this festival. My son and cousin snuck over there to introduce themselves. I think they were just curious and wanted to see a girl that I used to date when I was their age. They just happened to have favor with her because she gave them 2 big cups of lemonade. Then she made a comment to my son and said that he sure didn't get his good looks from me! LOL! I had to go back and tease her about that comment! I also received a glass of lemonade! LOL! Thanks Nancy!

Again at this festival we had a short burst of rain that lasted a short while and then the sun came out. Was their a rainbow directly over us? I couldn't tell, I ran for cover and then went back after the rain stopped. There was no rain for the rest of the festival. Next year this festival will be 4 days long just like the Jam, this year it lasted 3 days.

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