2 - Signs of the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ

After I was born again and accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior, I asked God about the signs He gave to His people through the healings of Jesus and of the parting of the Red Sea. If signs are to be following believers, why have I not seen any evidence of them? I was now a believer, and I wanted an answer to this question. So it wasn't one of those, "God if you show me a sign, then I will believe" things, It was a "God, I do believe, give me something to tell people and I will tell it to them."

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Location: Moose Lake, Minnesota, United States

God gave me a sign, and then he gave me another, and another, and another. I began to wonder why people who believed in Jesus had never tried to talk to me about Him. So after I believed in Jesus and repented for all of my sins, I then asked God a question. How come we don't see any more grandiose miracles and signs anymore? God, I am 36 and I haven't seen any of the kinds that are written in the Bible, like miracle healings, the parting of the Red Sea, a boat in the middle of a lake suddenly is at the other side, 5000 people fed with 1 basket of food, the list goes on. I then asked God to give me a sign, a fun sign, one that people will say WOW to, and if He would do that, I would tell everyone about what God did. Well, God kept His part of the deal, so now I am doing my best to keep mine. That is why this testimony is online at my website called 2 and here on this blog. I just need to tell this story and let God do the rest.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Dec 19th, 2003
Rob, Mike C and myself met for our first Bible Study on Friday. We wanted to meet earlier on Monday, but things happened and others could not make it. We met on Friday and we set a plan in motion that it would not be a normal Bible Study but actually to have church and to lay a foundation. Rob and 2 Mike's. Glory to God we shall see where God leads us in this ministry.

December 23rd, 2003
I received a very large commission check today from one of my websites. 2 months ago I received a few hundred dollars. I made sure I tithed 10%. Last month I was almost blown away, as the commission check soared to over $1054. Today, it more than doubled! $2168.

December 24th, 2003
At work we have an email Bible Study going and the day before Christmas I sent out this email.
I truly believe in the power of God to answer our prayers. And so I would like to share with you a prayer that I just prayed for. I prayed that on this Christmas Day, may each and every one of you witness or hear of a Christmas Miracle that you will be able to share with someone. What it will be, I do not know. When it will happen exactly, I don't know. But when you hear of something, or see something, remember to share the story with all of us. If we all pray as one, and in one accord, God will take notice. Will you pray this small prayer with me?May you have the most peaceful, and loving Christmas you have ever had, and may God's Joy pour out upon you this holiday season. Blessed be our Savior Jesus Christ, in his name - all things are possible. A King of all Kings was born, let them all know why.
Thank you Father, in the name of Jesus, Amen. Mike Flipp
On December 26th, 2003 I sent out this email to all of them. These things happened on Christmas day - which was yesterday.
From my last email that I sent to all of you, I had told you that I prayed to witness or hear or see a Christmas Miracle. I also asked all of you to keep your eyes open for something. I said that I didn't know how, or when or the circumstances, but to just be ready for anything. And so I did. And so I received.Here is my Christmas Miracle Story to share with all of you.I worked on Unit 10 as usual; I was able to talk with a few offenders about God's Word, to a few Christian inmates as well as a few Muslim offenders. One especially is quite interested in what I have been talking to him about. He is now willing and ready to receive what God has in store from him, He said he will keep an open mind and for as stubborn and dead set on what he believed a few weeks ago, that is a very encouraging sign.When I went home I listened to sermon on CD and then my wife's Dad called me and invited me over to his house for dinner, as my wife and son were in the cities visiting her Aunt for Christmas. So over I went to my wife's Dad's house for Dinner and I also told him that I would bring over a couple of movies to watch. They were about Miracles! Titled - "Miracles are Real" and they are put out by Time Life Video. A few weeks ago I was looking around on ebay for some good study and reading material and I found a set of 4 books about healings and miracles and I found this 2 video tape set. I put in bids early, well before the close of the auction and I said a prayer that I would be able to get them and get them at a great price! Well God blessed me in that I was not out bid on either of them. I won both auctions. The 4 book set opened at $1.99 and that is what I got them for, and this 2 video set that came brand new from Time Life Video opened at $.01 is what I paid for them! So I won 2 auctions that totaled $2.00! (I had to pay shipping costs of around 5 bucks each is all) Well I have read 2 of the books so far and they were fascinating and talked about the healing power of God. But I had yet been able to watch the videos. So I went over to my wife's Dad's house and the movies were still sealed in the box. I asked him to hand me his pocket knife and he just took it out and opened the brand new videos and we sat down to watch them after dinner. But just before we sat down to eat dinner, He told me a story of something that happened to him in church last week. He said that he would tell me, because of the story I had written about the signs of 2. He said it was really odd and that he said he would have felt embarrassed to share it with anyone else. He tells me of how he was sitting in church and was staring at some wood etched area up behind the pulpit area with some fancy type carving molding type of thing and that in this area he saw a green glowing light. Hmmm, he said to himself, and he thought that maybe his mind was playing tricks on him. He kept staring and watching it. There was no one else sitting next to or near him at all. Then from out of no where floats don from the ceiling a very small half inch by half inch piece of paper. It lands on the pew in front of him and perfectly aimed at him so that he can read 2 letters written on it. The letters were MA. He always called his Mom - Ma and Grandma Sarah was probably one of the most religious people I knew of always going to church and praying diligently. She passed away about 2 years ago. What the green light was, and where this piece of paper came from had to be from God. He showed me the small piece of paper and I just thought about how this paper could have fluttered about and landed so perfectly to catch his attention. Wow. Praise God.After dinner we watched the Miracles are Real videos. In the 2nd video one of the stories was about how 13 people were going to choir practice at the West Side Church. Wow, I thought, that is where I go to church at! So I paid really close attention. Granted it was in another state, but still it had the same name! What happened was that they were supposed to have choir practice at 7:30. The choir leader showed up a little later than usual, he parked about a block away and as he got closer to the church he seen that all of the lights were out. He thought that was very odd as some people always show up really early, especially 2 regulars who always showed early. As he approached the church had saw something awful, the steeple and the entire top of the church had fallen off and there was a huge pile of debris along the side of the church! Wow he thought. Then he couldn't believe what happened next! The entire church just blew up! Wow, Oh no, he thought! As the rescue squads showed up and crowds began to grow, they wanted him to stay to identify bodies of the people who were inside. So as they started gathering all the choir members together, they soon realized that no one was in the church at all! Every single member of the choir was delayed and arrived late. He showed up the earliest out of everyone and looked at his watch - 7:27. This was late for him. I took notice of the time he stated on the video and I looked up at the clock to see what the actual time was right then as I was watching this video. The time that showed on the wall at Dawn's Dad's house was about 5 minutes to 7:00. I had a thought go through my head as , "What will happen today at 7:27 pm? It was about a half hour from now. I hoped that nothing bad would happen to our West Side Church. We continued watching the movie. The movie was just about over and the last story showed a minister who had come down with some sort of problem in his throat which left his speech very raspy. He went to the doctor over a 3 year period and what was recorded on the scope was that more and more scar tissue was building up in his throat and the doctors told him that within a year or so he would lose all of his speech and would be a total mute. He lost his job pastoring as he could no longer give the sermons. The church he served was a very huge 24,000 member church. He still kept at it, although with a withering and almost whispering voice, he put on a head strap microphone and was still able to have bible study with the teenagers on Sunday. He states on the video that that bible study was the only one of many they do that is regularly recorded on reel to reel tape. As he was talking he was really raspy and you could hear on the live recording that he was very difficult to hear and there was a lot of wispy sounds, but he could still be heard with the amplified mic he was wearing around his head. He started preaching about psalm 103 and that when he got to verses 3 and 4 his voice, recorded live on tape, and they played the actual recording on the video, came back! He was elaborating on the verses on verse 3 and that they ought not to put god in a box and limit him, that they should believe all things are possible and as he said those words, his voice came back! I was just amazed as I watched this and heard this live recording happen in front of many witnesses. I looked up at the clock, and at the time he was healed by God, as I was watching this tape, it was exactly ! It was confirmation of me hearing, and seeing a miracle on Christmas Day! The minister went to the Doctor and when the recorded the scope test down his throat on video, for which they have recording of his throat for over the last 3 years, there was not one single shred of scar tissue anywhere! Praise God!There are no limits to what God can do, all I think he wants us to do is Love him and flip the switch. Act on your faith.Glory to God and keep your eyes open and start talking and sharing God's glory with any and all who will listen.Peace to you this holiday season.Mike Flipp

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