2 - Signs of the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ

After I was born again and accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior, I asked God about the signs He gave to His people through the healings of Jesus and of the parting of the Red Sea. If signs are to be following believers, why have I not seen any evidence of them? I was now a believer, and I wanted an answer to this question. So it wasn't one of those, "God if you show me a sign, then I will believe" things, It was a "God, I do believe, give me something to tell people and I will tell it to them."

My Photo
Location: Moose Lake, Minnesota, United States

God gave me a sign, and then he gave me another, and another, and another. I began to wonder why people who believed in Jesus had never tried to talk to me about Him. So after I believed in Jesus and repented for all of my sins, I then asked God a question. How come we don't see any more grandiose miracles and signs anymore? God, I am 36 and I haven't seen any of the kinds that are written in the Bible, like miracle healings, the parting of the Red Sea, a boat in the middle of a lake suddenly is at the other side, 5000 people fed with 1 basket of food, the list goes on. I then asked God to give me a sign, a fun sign, one that people will say WOW to, and if He would do that, I would tell everyone about what God did. Well, God kept His part of the deal, so now I am doing my best to keep mine. That is why this testimony is online at my website called 2 and here on this blog. I just need to tell this story and let God do the rest.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

November, 3rd, 2003 - My wife was in a bad accident and her truck rolled over on some slippery ice and snow. The truck was totaled, but yet she walked out of it with a minor bump on the head and a scratch on her hand. I think it was a miracle that she was not hurt badly. She was on her way to re-vote in the election to go on strike with the State of Minnesota. After they voted to reject last time in September, a new agreement was reached which still seems like it is not a very good deal, the members of the union will vote again for the 2nd time. The officers in my unit will not have to revote, as we have already voted to arbitrate our contract with a neutral mediator. So I did not have to re-vote but my wife did. My wife did not make it to vote due to the accident she had. The vehicle she was driving was a vehicle in which we had just purchased a month ago as a customized vehicle that was in a previous roll over accident.

That same night I bowled my 1st 600 series in our bowling league with a 602. Last year I was elected by the members to be the Vice President of the league. I get to help with planning the banquet at the end of the season.

Also on this day I won both of my fantasy football games for the 4th week in a row giving me a streak of 8 wins in a row. I was the first person in our entire league to go over 1000 points. My total is now 1021. My birthday is 10/21. Even though I have this many points which is above all others, in my division at this time I am in 2nd place, and tied with another team at that - LOL. I didn't have time to study the players this year and I just picked 5 players to keep from last year and gave Rob some rough selections and then I prayed and let Rob pick me a team as I could not attend the drafting of the players. I just didn't have time, I didn't want it to consume me as it did in the past and I just wanted to have a decent team that would make a decent showing and hope I had some luck on my side. I started out losing a lot of games early on but I kept the faith and was still having fun. We are more than half way through the season; I will enjoy the outcome, no matter how it ends. But I did enjoy seeing the team I have score the most points out of all the teams in our league this week. That's the first time that has happened for my team.

November 22, 2003� We had 2 Fire Alarms on our unit caused by a faulty sensor. This sometimes happens, but on our unit it has not happened in a very long time. Sometimes 1 false alarm will occur, but it is rare for 2. They happened about 4 hours apart. I also invited a 20th person from work into our bible study group today. The group is growing and this is a good thing.

November 23, 2003 My wife came to church with me for the first time which was really nice. I was able to attend church today with my wife because I had offered to sell my Vikings football tickets to a friend of mine named Keith. We call him Duck. He accidentally wrote me out a check for 2 dollars more than their face value. I am sure he has not read my book or heard my story yet, but he will soon. At church today I talked with Diane's daughter Carina. I asked her if she had gotten the chance to read the book "2!" She said she hadn't read the entire book of "2!" yet, but that she did print it out. I haven't even printed it out yet myself, but what was very neat I thought was this; I asked her how many pages it took to print out the whole thing onto paper and Carina told me it was exactly 122 pages long! Wow, I thought. She was the first person to tell me that she had actually printed it. I don't know if it would always print out in 122 pages on everyone's printer, but the fact that it printed out on her printer on 122 pages was fascinating. I never planned that. In fact when I wrote it, I thought there were many more pages than that. In Microsoft Word, which is the program I use to type this story, there were 163 pages typed in double space format. I used double spaces between lines to make it easier to read.

November 24th, 2003 - I had a really great night of bowling. However it was a little odd for me in that when I added up my total score, the total was 666. Now I hate that number for what it stands for. Even as a kid I knew what that number stood for. I rolled a 236, a 224 and a 206 in that order. So after I rolled this score and thought about it for a while. I just thought, no way is the evil one going to steal my glory. This was the highest 3 game series I had ever rolled in my life! And with a 666; Oh man! Ughhh! If you divide 666 by the 3 games you end up with a 222 average! Ahhh, ok that is better! I like those 2's! Also as I was bowling, I had a thought of getting a great score just to win the high game pot. So I thought that it was just a humble lesson the Lord had shown me. If that was the message, I got it, loud and clear. I try to just have fun and do the best I can now, and whether I get the high game of the night, or win at cards, that is not the point. Having fun and being a good sport is what matters the most. I did win all 3 games of cards that we played during each of the games, but not the high game of the night. It was a very good night of bowling for me.

November 28th, 2003 My son and my wife went shopping for Christmas presents. It was the big shopping day after Thanksgiving. My wife asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I told her that what I wanted was 2 seats for my portable ice fishing house that she had bought for me like 3 years ago. I had been using 5 gallon buckets to sit on and I thought it would be nice to have those swivel ones that you can get that mount inside of the heavy black plastic sled. The seats have a nice back rest and make it more comfortable to sit and ice fish. It is called an Otter II sled. They come in 2 colors, purple and green. I of course have the purple one for the Vikings team I like. When they arrived at the store there were about 20 people waiting in line outside of the store. So they stayed in the warm truck until the store opened. The store had a big promotion going on. The first 75 people to come into the store on that day only would be able to draw for a special discount. So my wife thought that it would be a good idea to get my seats that day so she could maybe save 10% off of the price. They cost $40 each. When they opened the store, they went in and already 20 or so tickets were gone. But there were still about 50 left. My wife drew one out and she got a 15% off ticket! There were supposed to be 50 tickets that were marked 10% off, 22 tickets at 15% off, 1 - 20%, 1 - 25% and 1 - 50% off as the big prize. My son however was also there and he drew the 50% off ticket! My wife called me at work and was so excited! Not only did she buy me the 2 seats that I wanted for a Christmas present, I received 2 more gifts as well! She bought me a new Vexlar fish finder and a new Ice Auger! WOW! Praise God for that blessing! My son also got some expensive boots and my wife bought her Dad a new heater for his shop! My wife felt kind of guilty about having to charge those gifts on credit, but you don't always have a chance to buy nice things at 50% off. So she did. She was able to buy up to $1000 worth of merchandise and she did. Her total came to 942.22! LOL! Look at those 2's! So after the 50 % off and then the tax it came to 499.05. It was almost to the max use of the discount as she could not go over $500 with the tax.

When she came home from shopping, she brought in the mail. In the mail was a check for me. A commission check that was bigger than any other commission check that I had ever received! It totaled $1054 - more than double of what my wife had just spent! Wow, what another great blessing. Thank you Father! She was no longer worried about how much she has just spent. Someone who came late to that store and did not even have a chance to draw for one of the free discounts, was a lucky recipient of my wife's 15% coupon, as she had graciously given it away to someone who could use a small gift.

November 30th, 2003 - My son came to church with my wife and me for the very first time. What a blessing! Thank you Father!

The news station was reporting that a woman who had been kidnapped in North Dakota at a shopping mall had still not been found. She was abducted on November 22nd and she was 22 years old. I took notice of the 2 instances of the 22's and I felt something. I said a prayer to have the person responsible come to light and that they be caught and she be located. I am also sure many other people had also said the same prayer. What I did pray for that some may not have was that the demon within the person that did that be cast down into the pit where it remain until judgment day.

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