2 - Signs of the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ

After I was born again and accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior, I asked God about the signs He gave to His people through the healings of Jesus and of the parting of the Red Sea. If signs are to be following believers, why have I not seen any evidence of them? I was now a believer, and I wanted an answer to this question. So it wasn't one of those, "God if you show me a sign, then I will believe" things, It was a "God, I do believe, give me something to tell people and I will tell it to them."

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Location: Moose Lake, Minnesota, United States

God gave me a sign, and then he gave me another, and another, and another. I began to wonder why people who believed in Jesus had never tried to talk to me about Him. So after I believed in Jesus and repented for all of my sins, I then asked God a question. How come we don't see any more grandiose miracles and signs anymore? God, I am 36 and I haven't seen any of the kinds that are written in the Bible, like miracle healings, the parting of the Red Sea, a boat in the middle of a lake suddenly is at the other side, 5000 people fed with 1 basket of food, the list goes on. I then asked God to give me a sign, a fun sign, one that people will say WOW to, and if He would do that, I would tell everyone about what God did. Well, God kept His part of the deal, so now I am doing my best to keep mine. That is why this testimony is online at my website called 2 and here on this blog. I just need to tell this story and let God do the rest.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

September 4th, 2003 - I just got around to finishing the stories in the August Readers Digest. Here is what I read about.
(August 2003 - In the Readers Digest)
On page 122 an article entitled, "After Life" The scientific case for the human soul -
Tells of how scientists and doctors try to explain, but really cannot explain how people who have brain surgery are basically put to death, then operated on, have out of body experiences and are then resuscitated. While these people are completely flat lined with no brain activity registering, they have an out of body experience and can recall things that happened during their surgery. Thus proof of the human soul. They are trying to explain it away, but researches found that the details these people gave while out of the body, were exact, and the fact that there was no brain activity, makes it seem impossible. But it did happen, and the researches now say they cannot determine based on these facts that life ends when your brain stops functioning.

A lady told of how she was having some brain surgery and watched the surgeons doing something near her groin, and she thought that it must be a mistake. Well, (A) How could she have even made that thought at all, while (B) she was completely brain dead at the time? The doctors who listened to her story went back through the timeline of the surgical records and what she saw was that the doctors were removing a vein from her leg to re use in her head and how she described in detail what they did was very accurate. According to the timeline of the removal of that vein, she had been clinically brain dead for quite some time.� She saw the white light or tunnel that we have heard about from many other testimonies and said that she saw family members who greeted her. Her Uncle told her to go back as it was not her time and so she did. It was very cold when she did go back into her body.

I just thought this would be a very interesting article to pass on to you all, especially because of its content and the fact that it happened to be on page 122 seemed to grab my attention. Also in that same monthly edition of the Readers Digest there was another story of a guy who survived 2 Air Crashes in the same day. One was a plane and 1 was a helicopter. How rare would you say that is? I wouldn't want to have to go through something like that.

I then submitted a humor story on Sept. 4th, 2003 to Readers Digest. They said a maximum of 100 words or 1000 characters for entries was allowed per the rules. But after I wrote the short story about a funny quip an inmate had made to me one day while working at the Maximum Security prison, I was over the 100 words allowed. I had actually written exactly 122 words. I did a revision and changed some words, subtracted some and added some more and then did another word count. Again I had exactly 122 words. It was again over the allotted 100 words allowed, but it was under their 1000 character count limit. Seeing that the article was on page 122, containing 2- 2's in that number, I knew I was saving that story for just the right time. I had always remembered it from back in 1993. I had always wanted to write in to Readers Digest and I thought it was good enough to get printed and win the $300. We shall see! Isn't this fun! Thank you Father!

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