2 - Signs of the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ

After I was born again and accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior, I asked God about the signs He gave to His people through the healings of Jesus and of the parting of the Red Sea. If signs are to be following believers, why have I not seen any evidence of them? I was now a believer, and I wanted an answer to this question. So it wasn't one of those, "God if you show me a sign, then I will believe" things, It was a "God, I do believe, give me something to tell people and I will tell it to them."

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Location: Moose Lake, Minnesota, United States

God gave me a sign, and then he gave me another, and another, and another. I began to wonder why people who believed in Jesus had never tried to talk to me about Him. So after I believed in Jesus and repented for all of my sins, I then asked God a question. How come we don't see any more grandiose miracles and signs anymore? God, I am 36 and I haven't seen any of the kinds that are written in the Bible, like miracle healings, the parting of the Red Sea, a boat in the middle of a lake suddenly is at the other side, 5000 people fed with 1 basket of food, the list goes on. I then asked God to give me a sign, a fun sign, one that people will say WOW to, and if He would do that, I would tell everyone about what God did. Well, God kept His part of the deal, so now I am doing my best to keep mine. That is why this testimony is online at my website called 2 and here on this blog. I just need to tell this story and let God do the rest.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

February 14th, 2004
I am just writing today to update the story and to update myself actually. I have to add something here in the story about a Pastor which is also a continuation of my January 2nd entry. As my walk began back in March of 2003 and in April, God showed my a sign, the sign of 2, of which this story is about, I was given some CD's to listen to by my good friend and brother in Jesus Christ, Rob. He shared the audible sermons with me from a Pastor in St. Joseph, Missouri. His name is Brian Zahnd.

Now it is not my intention to lift up, or to boast about a Pastor, or any specific church. I believe you do not have to go to any specific church or hear any specific Pastor to be saved or to learn the Word of God. But that they teach the Bible and the reason they teach it is Jesus Christ. I have watched many Pastors now, and listened to many more. I have read many books and many sermons online. And I do like a few pastors out there, some more than others. I feel some have a true gift of preaching the gospel more than others. I even give the ones I am not in favor of credit for at least trying, which is more than some of us can say. You can just surely tell when someone is gifted in the area and when you listen to them, and read your bible, you will know what they say is from the heart and at times very prophetic. So with that in mind, I feel this in my heart. I feel that Brian Zahnd is giving his listeners, the true Bible message for the believer in Jesus Christ. I have heard his sermons over and over again. Many times I have listened to one of his CD's in my truck and at home. I have heard no other Pastor like him. And here is what I want to share with you and write down to remember about him at this point.

For one, he does not know who I am, or that I even exist. He is a very busy man in much prayer. On January 2nd, the 2nd day of the year 2004, he started a 22 day fast to bring in the New Year and to open the new upper room prayer center at the Word of Life Church. Now with all of the 2's happening around me, and this Pastor being so much a force for the Word of God that I seek to be told and heard, I took very much interest in this. When I read the bible, I feel certain things as I read it. But when I hear it, I feel totally different things. I like reading the bible and I also enjoy hearing it preached. I can't get enough. I am on a super crash course if you will, listening to about 3-5 sermons a week plus reading. I read not only the bible, but other books relating to Christianity, God, and history as well. I went from watching 3-8 hours of TV a day to 3-8 hours in a week, and sometimes not even that much.

Well just recently and over the past few months I have visited Pastor Brian Zahnd's website and read all about the upcoming fast and praying for the new upper room dedication. My good friend Rob was actually planning to go down to St. Joseph, Missouri and visit his church. The day that Rob was supposed to arrive there was going to be the day after all of this dedication of 22 days was to end. He would then attend the January 25th service. I thought, hmmm, what timing. It would have actually been nice to be there during some of this. They have made available now to all people who have internet access, the capability to listen to his services live. Praise God!

But this was something that I could not do. Even as savvy as I am on the internet, having used it, explored it, and created websites in it, I could not get the streaming video from his site to work on my computer. I prayed and prayed for God to help me fix whatever was wrong with my computer. I emailed Brian Zahnd's webmaster and information center for help. In doing so, I also asked them for the actual and specific meaning for Brian's 22 day fast which started on the 2nd day of the year 2004. I received a response back that said, "It for us has a two-fold meaning". I read that and thought, well of course it does, it must, that did not shock me. (Laughing to myself) Reason number one is that the church he founded was now 22 years old. The second reason was that it was to encompass all 22 chapters of the Book of Revelation. Brian Zahnd was 22 years old when he started preaching.

Another reason that Brian Zahnd wanted to do this is that he had gotten a prophetic message from God as he prayed for guidance to God concerning the upcoming New Year of 2004. The theme for 2004 that was picked or rather shown to him was, "A Season of Signs and Wonders". God will be showing Himself in this manner in this year and we are to expect it. I don't know if his staff has mentioned anything to him since I wrote them an email concerning the meaning of his 22 day fast, but I can tell you this. There is meaning behind this and somehow, Brian, Myself, the 2's and God are connected in some fashion. I just don't know how, why, or where it will go or lead to. I just know that I will continue to listen to his sermons, and I will continue to read the Bible. I will continue to pray and I will continue to look and listen for God's manifestations of Signs and Wonders. So I guess what I would like to share with anyone else who may be reading this is to also look and to expect them. They are coming and with God, anything, and everything is possible.

The reason I am posting this today was that I finally figured out why my video feed was not working. I re-downloaded the entire Windows Media 9 program and reinstalled the whole thing and that seemed to do the trick. I am sure I was guided to do so; better late than never. I am also sure of 2 things. Either something did not want me to hear those messages as they happened, or God has a plan for me as to why the delay. Again with the Patience, I have to believe that in either case, God's plan will prevail. I am looking forward to the signs and wonders Pastor Brian Zahnd spoke of. I have been looking forward to witnessing healings, and even being the receiver of some of God's healing power in my own life for quite some time now. Praise God! I just knew something like this was going to happen. I can hardly stand it. I have been receiving the sign of 2, miraculously for 10 months. I have been trying my best. I am not perfect. I have good days and bad days and I just keep on putting my trust in God. God's timing was and is something that I am learning. I know Jesus healed people; he healed them all and refused no one. He showed us how he did it and in many different ways. The disciples in turn also followed Jesus lead and they also laid hands on people and they were healed by God's power. If we need to have faith, and if we need to act on that faith like flipping a switch and activating His power, are we to do that at every opportunity or are we to wait on God's timing and when God says "Go now", we go? Or has he already told us to go, showed us how to go, and now is He waiting on us? This is where I am at. Do we flip the switch, or is God waiting for the right time to tell us to flip the switch? I know 100% in my heart God wants us to act on our faith and I know it is God's will to heal. I am just so new, that with a little more patience, God will direct me. I pray that I do not miss it or fall short of this gift from Him. Either way, with or without me, God's will be done. Healings and Signs and Wonders will be done. I need healing and so do millions of other people. I believe. I have faith. I will be healed. Many will be healed. Praise God!

February 17th, 2004
I just found out something today that I thought was interesting and it has to do with my last entry. When Rob and his Family went down to Missouri to visit the Word of Life Church, I knew that they were going to have CD recordings of the 22 sermons given by Pastor Zahnd. So I had given Rob some money to pick them up for me. Well the day he got there, they didn't have any left. So he paid for them and they said that they would ship him the CD's when they had some more ready. That was 22 days ago from the 14th because Rob visited the Word of Life Church on the 25th of January. Rob called me today. He said that he had gotten the CD's on Saturday and he would have dropped them off to me today but he could not reach me. So when he called on the telephone, he told me about them. I thought, hmmmm, "You got them on Saturday?" I said. Saturday was February 14th, the day I finally was able to get streaming video into my computer from the Word of Life Church, it was the day that I had made the entry into this book about the Word of Life Church, the 22 day fast, starting on the 2nd day of the year and the church was in its 22nd year, Pastor Zahnd starting preaching at 22 and of course the 22 CD set arrived on the 14th. Exactly 22 days after Rob visited that Church. I need to share this with them. "Wow!" There is no way they could have timed it like that, they don't even know me,!.. yet! Praise God! Signs and Wonders they prophesied, signs and wonders have started and are coming to pass. I am excited. Thank you Father!

I found out something else today. I went to the Real Estate Company where I work part time and created their website also. Majestic Pine Realty is opening a brand new building and we were to have some telephone training on the new modern phone system that was just installed into all of the offices. The owner, Bryan, asked me to check on the renewal for the website hosting fees that were due as he new them to be due in February. I contacted the hosting service via the phone and asked them to give me an update of the billing status for the website. They told me that the website was activated on February 3rd,� 2003 and that the renewal fees for the website are due every February 2nd. They told me that the account was set to automatically renew using the payment record on file. That was good so that the website will never lapse and payment will never be overdue. Over 2 months before I received the sign of 2 last year, I built this website and activated it. It will now come due on 2/2 every year from now on. WOW! Things were in motion even before they began it seems. I was tuned in at just the right time and am now noticing it all; the new stuff and the stuff that was already set in motion. God is Incredible! How amazingly cool has this entire ride been? I am trying to tell it the best way that I know how so that I can let others know of what God is doing in the world, and in my life so that you can hopefully get an honest idea to know what this is like. But living it is truly incredible. I am writing this so that others may believe. If you have read this story, you have been prayed for. I prayed that when I first posted this story, that it would be a great seed. I gave it to God and He is so awesome that He keeps showing me more and more and more, and I just have so much hope for you all to come to know the True Living God. I asked God for a sign, and in my wildest imagination, I could not have even conceived a plan like this. Things before the signs began and the fact that they keep continuing like this are simply incredible. How many odd coincidences would it take you before you really started scratching your head and think, well maybe, just maybe God is a Living God and He is Real and He is Miraculous and He is Wondrous? Maybe all of those people who are going to church are on to something? Maybe - No! No maybes about it! I have to shout YES!

February 27th, 2004
Today I went to see the movie by Mel Giibson called. "The Passion of the Christ" with my wife. This is my review of it. Before going I prayed for the Holy Spirit to move me during the show, and to move and come over all others sitting in the theatre. I prayed that the movie would be like a seed sown greatly like a mighty oak in all who saw it. I prayed for bountiful harvest and that there be many laborers to help bring it in.
The movie theatre was packed full and couples who arrived late had to sit separated, it was so full. During the show, in which Jesus Christ was shown betrayed and beaten, and crucified, I thought of the tragedy of it all. My mind was going a mile a minute in thought at times and at other times I couldn't think of a single thing except Jesus dying for us sinners in that manner. I am so thankful that He did. Otherwise we would not have the salvation he brings to us all. During the movie I got goose pimples many times and chills as well. There were 2 places in the movie that my eyes filled with tears. Then near the end of the movie, a single tear fell from the sky, and as it fell I received an overpowering chill and my body became covered with goose pimples. That was so strong a feeling of those; I have never felt them before like that ever. I thought to myself, "Thank you Father". I knew it was what I had asked for and I received it from the Holy Spirit. I have gotten goose pimples in my life a thousand times or more; but never like that. It was when the tear from heaven came down to earth when God's only begotten Son died on the cross. It was very moving and very powerful. I won't give any more of it away. It is a very powerful movie and I recommend you go and see it.

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