October 31st, 2004 At around 10:00 PM I was reading a book called, "Are We Living in the End Times?" by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins, and as I was reading this particular paragraph I sneezed twice! Well, usually that is not that significant of a thing. But let me share with you what I was reading. Keep in mind I have no cold nor allergies of any kind. Here are the words written that I read,"In November 1997 the U.S. stock market fel more than five hundred points in a single day. Wall Street almost panicked because it feared its greatest nightmare had returned - a 1929 type crash followed by a 1930's type depression. (I sneezed twice at about this point) Fortunately, that didnt happen; the market rebounded over three hundred points the next day. In the meantime, however, the market in Hong Kong dropped drastically, then likewise rebounded. This incident proves that we have a global economy so interdependant that if Wall Street gets a cold, Japan, Hong Kong, London, Berlin and other key markets start to sneeze. That" And that is how the page ends. Now notice the word sneeze is the 2nd to the last word on this page! I then thought and thought about why I had just sneezed while reading this? I then prayed to God and asked Him if this meant something about out current stock market? I thought about it some more and asked if I should move some of my deferred compensation plan monies out of the high risk stock investments and move them into some low risk funds? I asked for a confirmation sign as I was rather amazed by this and that if it meant what I think it meant then surely something will happen to the stock market in November. So I picked up the book again and then I saw the page number that I was reading, page 202! WOW, Oh My! I have never been given a sign like this as of yet and this was something absolutely fortelling of the future. I dont know what is going to happen. I feel that there will be a drop in the stock market, a big drop. How big I do not know. When in November I do not know. God has not given me any meaning of this, and seeing as how I was alone, was this meant only for me and for me to move my funds? (I have prayed for this for God to let me know where I should put my funds, whether in stocks, or safe funds, so I will be moving my funds to safe). I dont know if it will be like what was in the book as far as it dropping 500 points and then rebounding 300 the next day. Only time will tell and we shall see how this goes. Will something happen this November or in someNovember to come? Thank you Father for this sign. What does it mean....if anything?
November 9th, 2004 Just something kind of fun happened today, and it has to do with the lottery. I very seldom ever see the actual live drawing of the lottery numbers as they happen live on the TV. But today I did and as the daily 3 numbers were being drawn I watched them. As they started coming out I said to myself in my thoughts, "222" and as they came out, the first number was 2, I thought, hmmmmm, WOW. As the 2nd number came out 2, I again thought with much more interest now, Double WOW! As the 3rd number came out again, another 2, I was blown away! Now what does this mean? I did not purchase a daily 3 ticket for this day, I never purchase daily 3 tickets. In a years time I might have a chance to see the live drawing maybe twice in a year. So it was very rare that I even saw this to begin with. The odds of me seeing the show live, very rare. The odds of me picking 222 in my mind, not so rare now that I am looking for 2's. But the odds of those numbers coming up are 1 in 1000. But the rare thing here, is that I watched them live as they were drawn.
November 11th, 2004 On most days you will find me online at a website called paltalk. It is a place where you can talk in a room, and type messages in a room to and with people from all over the world through your computer. What a powerful tool if used properly. Can you imagine? Just 10 years ago this was not possible like it is today. I can talk with someone from Florida, Ohio, California, Minnesota, Jerusalem, India, Pakistan, and from many other places all over the world at the same time! I often pray and preach and fellowship on this website. I have helped out families in need, and I know people have been healed right over the internet as they were being prayed for, thousands of miles away from me! That is the power of the Lord! There are no limits to his healing power ever! You just need to believe in Jesus and that He can do these things and that we can be used as a vessel in which this power is activated in the Name of Jesus. This is truly amazing! This has potential unlike we have ever seen in our day and age, nor in any other age in history!
So on this particular day, I prayed to God to guide me to the room that He wanted me to be in, as there are usually many rooms in the christian category on paltalk. I was led to one room in particular and this room held my attention for what the people in the room were speaking about I sensed as the true words of the Spirit of God and the things of which they were speaking of at the time truly lined up with God's word. And as I stayed in this room and prayed over the people in this room listening to the messages being told, the man in the room preaching was named Brian. Brian began to give words of knowledge to some of those in the room, and I thought and sensed that I would receive a sign or a word in this room as well, but after 3 hours it did not come to me quickly or plainly as I have thought. But I did not become upset, I just kept praying the Lord's spirit come into those who were willing to accept it. And that God's will be done in this room. And then a vision popped up before me in my mind of something I had done just 15 minutes prior to me coming in this room.
Before I came into the room, I was looking for some car keys to an older car I have parked outside in my driveway. This car had been sitting for a few months and had not been started in that time. So it was upon me to find the keys to this car and start it and let it run for awhile. As I looked for these keys I could not find them, which then led me to a basket in which I have many spare keys, and as I dumped out the basket to look for a spare set of keys for this car, I saw an older set of keys in which my wife had written on a tag attached to them for her nephew Brian who used to live with us. The tag said,"Brians Keys". After I had seen those old set of keys, I did find the spare set of keys I was looking for and I did go out and start this older car. And after being in this room for 3 hours and eagerly waiting a sign or a word from the Lord, then this vision popped into my thoughts, very big and the vision was of the tag in the basket that said Brian's Keys. I saw "Brian" most predominantly on the tag, and then I realized that the man speaking in the room was named Brian! Ahhh, there is something here I then thought, a coincidence that I have missed. Then I knew that I would now receive a sign or a word from God. And then the 2nd part came over me! When I first came into the room, and at that time I did not know the man speaking was named Brian, I had only learned that after staying in this room for quite awhile as people who knew him began to call him by his real name, for in paltalk, people get to choose a nickname to be called by. So it is not until you get to know someone over time, that you will learn there real names. And I remember when i first came into this room, of which I have never been in this particular room before, this man was preaching about KEYS! He was preaching about Keys that the Lord had shown him, 7 of them, and more a different types were being added to them. The original Keys, Brian's Keys were this: repentance, restoration, realignment, retraining, restraining, reviving, and releasing and then he had another set of them revelation, great grace, fear of the lord in intimacy and the last key given to him just 2 weeks ago. Once I had realized the importance of this sign of 2, as in the Brian's Keys coming up twice and consecutively, I knew the Lord who had given Brian these keys, was now showing them to me and wanting me to include them in this book. It took over 3 hours of being patient, and I almost missed this sign because I did not know the speakers name and did not put his name together with the KEYS that he was speaking of. And after I realized his name was Brian, then I was able to put these things together. But not until the Lord had put into my mind the vision and remembrance of the tag on one of my spare sets of keys we had once given to a nephew of ours who stayed with us for a time in the past. Brian will be emailing me soon about the full meaning of thses keys, and I just needed to post this as soon as I could, because I bleiev it to be important. And also that things that the Lord shows to me and gives to me in signs, I need to share so that they dont slip away from my memory and it would be a terrible thing for me not to remember these signs given to me by God. I feel this and all of these signs given to me are and will be used for something important.
November 14th, 2004 At church today, I could really feel the Spirit of God come into the members there, especially some young women at the church. We were prasing the Lord and singing unto Him, a special song, one that I really like was being sung to the Lord by All of us in one accord, the song was called "Healing Rain" by Michael Smith. And after that we sung another song called Let it Rain, Open the flood gates of heaven and let it rain... as the words go. A young woman in the worship team fell at her feet and began to weep loudly. The pastor then called others up who wanted to receive prayer and more women began to weep loudly. It was so emotional. I just continued to pray in the Spirit as God began to touch these women. I felt a connection to this song about Healing Rain and that it comes with fire, that I went out the next day and bought the CD. I have a sense of a healing coming to us and this nation but that the healing will come with fire. And this song continues on saying ... to be not afraid. I bought 2 CD's of which one would be for a gift for a friend at work, and I gave her the choice of which one to take. She took the other one and left me with the one containing the song "Healing Rain" that had touched me at church on this day.
November 21th, 2004 I went to the football game today with an old friend of my Dad's who has not been to a Minnesota Vikings Football game in over 20 years, he is 66 years old. I had asked a few people to go to the game, without any luck. But I did pray to God about who I should take. And I was led in the spirit to invite this man named Noel. Here are a few fun things that happened and the signs of 2's come up in quite a few areas here. The rarest score in football is a 2 point play. It can be done in 2 different ways. I had a sense that there would be a 2 point play today called a safety, but I thought that it would be my team getting it. But just the opposite happened, the other team, called the Lions from Detroit, sacked our quarterback in the endzone and they received the rare 2 points for this play. Oh what a bummer I thought! LOL. But I kept enjoying the game. In the 2nd half of the game, my home team, The Vikings, scored a 2 point conversion play after a touchdown, which normally they would only go for scoring one point. But they tried for 2 points and succeeded! WOW, fun to watch!. My team ended up winning the game 22 - 19. This is a very odd score for football. Here are a few other fun things that happened. Noel bought me 2 dinners that day, and he bought me a lottery ticket, on this ticket the power ball number came up with the number 2. When we arrived at the Dome to watch the game, they were handing out free team photos of all of the Vikings players. I looked at it and saw that in the first row the players were numbered from 2 to 22! WOW, interesting! In the 2nd row I saw that the first players name was Michael, and I saw that the last player in the 2nd row, his last name was Smith. I just bought a CD by a christian singer name Michael Smith about a week ago. Very Fun day! Thank you Father!
December 1st, 2004 Well as November came and has now gone, I look back at the sign I received October 31st and I have to wonder at what it means exactly, for it did not mean what I perceived it to mean. This again was the first such sign like this and in this fashion that I have gotten about some future event, so my experience with it is limited. I had thought that due to what was written in the book I was reading that November would see a decline in the stock market. What I did notice with the stock market was that consumer conifidence was down in the US and thus companies in Asia and Japan that produce electronics, also went down, for their number one consumer of their products is the US. So what I was reading is true, that when the US gets a cold in the market, the other countries begin to sneeze. But I think this sign still means something more than this, for we all know how linked the world's stock markets are nowadays. What or when will we see a dramatic move in stocks? I do not know. I thought the Lord was telling me this. But I may have jumped the gun, and I am humbled by this. Making an incorrect inference of what this sign means was not my intention, nor was it to bring about some sort of scare. But as I see the signs of the times, I think anyone would have assumed this as well. Right now the US dollar is at one of its lowest points against other currencies in the world, Gold is rising and many people are investing in other world currencies. Many people do feel that the stock market in the US is very unstable and some are worried. What would a collapse in the market do to out country right now? I dont know, it wouldn't be good I suspect. A depression, oh my. But what if this sign meant the opposite? That because we are going up, the rest are too? I just don't think that is the case that this sign is making. I think it really has to do now with preparing ourselves for a possible decline and God is giving us plenty of time to do that. Could I be wrong on this? YES! So I cannot help anyone out anymore than giving you the set of circumstances that I have gotten and letting you determine what they mean. I am just the messenger. Thank you Father and I thank you for your continued guidance and your endless mercy. May you watch over us all in these times.
Labels: 2004 - Dec 1st, 2004 Signs of Stockmarket crash, lottery and Healing Rain, October 31st, or was it just for me alone? Brian's Keys
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