2 - Signs of the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ

After I was born again and accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior, I asked God about the signs He gave to His people through the healings of Jesus and of the parting of the Red Sea. If signs are to be following believers, why have I not seen any evidence of them? I was now a believer, and I wanted an answer to this question. So it wasn't one of those, "God if you show me a sign, then I will believe" things, It was a "God, I do believe, give me something to tell people and I will tell it to them."

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Location: Moose Lake, Minnesota, United States

God gave me a sign, and then he gave me another, and another, and another. I began to wonder why people who believed in Jesus had never tried to talk to me about Him. So after I believed in Jesus and repented for all of my sins, I then asked God a question. How come we don't see any more grandiose miracles and signs anymore? God, I am 36 and I haven't seen any of the kinds that are written in the Bible, like miracle healings, the parting of the Red Sea, a boat in the middle of a lake suddenly is at the other side, 5000 people fed with 1 basket of food, the list goes on. I then asked God to give me a sign, a fun sign, one that people will say WOW to, and if He would do that, I would tell everyone about what God did. Well, God kept His part of the deal, so now I am doing my best to keep mine. That is why this testimony is online at my website called 2 and here on this blog. I just need to tell this story and let God do the rest.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

April 20th, 2004
Now this set of odd occurrences is quite different, I do not know what to make of it all but it has me curious. It could mean a lot of things, or nothing at all. However I think it has meaning, I just do not know exactly what this meaning is - yet. I pray to God He will continue to guide me in this. Thank you Father.
A little before midnight and lasting until about 4:15 in the early morning; I came down with a severe headache. I usually do not have bad headaches but this one was a doozy! I could not go to sleep. I tried to lay down and could not. It would be considered my first real Migraine Headache. I have heard of many people having these and I have been very blessed in my life to not ever having experienced one of this magnitude and pain. I can surely now sympathize with those who have them regularly. Ouch, not fun and surely not something one would want or wish for or hope for. I did not have to work the next day so that was a blessing as I could sleep in and get some much needed rest after that occurred. While it happened I was trying to pray, and I tried to rebuke it in the name of Jesus. But in my effort to do so, it would not dissipate until 4:15am, which is when I finally fell asleep. I am thankful that it finally did subside.
The next day at work an offender at the prison got an awful headache late in the afternoon. Following that he suffered an aneurism of the brain and was rushed to the hospital. I found out about this on Thursday morning. I never told anyone at work about my headache 2 days before. My co-worker Diane came to work that morning and told me this. She said that she almost did not make it in to work that day because of a really bad headache she had just had. She said it started a little before midnight last night and it lasted until about 4:15 am. I thought, WOW, I had the same headache and mine lasted the exact same duration as hers. I then asked her how bad did it get? She told me that it was one of the worst that she has had in like the last 10 years. Wow, I thought, that is really odd and very coincidental. What does this mean I was thinking again to myself? A few hours into the shift I received an outside phone call from my other co-worker Hutch who had the day off. He called me and told me that his Wife's grandpa just passed away suddenly last night from an aneurism of the brain. Ok Wow, I thought, this is really getting odd now. I said some prayers and there were a lot of concerns about the offender in the hospital who was in critical condition from the aneurism he suffered yesterday. I asked a few offenders I knew who were of Christian faith to pray and to have them spread the word throughout the facility and have others pray for him also.
I don't know what this means - yet. Was it an attack? Was it a message, to learn something? It surely was not just a random occurrence. It was 4 hours of intense pain for Diane and myself; death and near death for another 2 individuals close by. If anyone has any ideas on this, please email me. Could something have been stopped had I known? Did the many prayers said, stop death for one? What should I do if something like this happens again? A lot of questions have yet to be answered, and probably just as many have even yet to be asked. It says in the Bible - "You have not because you ask not". I will keep asking. Thank you Father.

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