2 - Signs of the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ

After I was born again and accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior, I asked God about the signs He gave to His people through the healings of Jesus and of the parting of the Red Sea. If signs are to be following believers, why have I not seen any evidence of them? I was now a believer, and I wanted an answer to this question. So it wasn't one of those, "God if you show me a sign, then I will believe" things, It was a "God, I do believe, give me something to tell people and I will tell it to them."

My Photo
Location: Moose Lake, Minnesota, United States

God gave me a sign, and then he gave me another, and another, and another. I began to wonder why people who believed in Jesus had never tried to talk to me about Him. So after I believed in Jesus and repented for all of my sins, I then asked God a question. How come we don't see any more grandiose miracles and signs anymore? God, I am 36 and I haven't seen any of the kinds that are written in the Bible, like miracle healings, the parting of the Red Sea, a boat in the middle of a lake suddenly is at the other side, 5000 people fed with 1 basket of food, the list goes on. I then asked God to give me a sign, a fun sign, one that people will say WOW to, and if He would do that, I would tell everyone about what God did. Well, God kept His part of the deal, so now I am doing my best to keep mine. That is why this testimony is online at my website called 2 and here on this blog. I just need to tell this story and let God do the rest.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

March 6th, 2004
I worked with my co-worker Hutch today at the prison. Nothing unusual happened at all. He mentioned to me that last week when he worked with another co-worker he made a noise that sounded like this, "OOAH, OOAH". It is a high pitched sound that originated from some old song from back in the 1970's. When he made that sound, the other co-worker asked Hutch where the sound originated from. Hutch said that he really didn't know, he just does it or makes the sound when he is happy. This other co-worker that Hutch worked with named Jeff said that his kids were making that sound at home, and it was kind of annoying I guess. LOL. And Jeff asked Hutch if he knew where it came from? Hutch just didn't know, but he shared with me this little story which seemed rather insignificant and just an innocent conversation at the time.

The rest of the day passed and I told Hutch that I was hoping for an early out, because I wanted to get on the road soon because I was going to be driving down to Indiana to pick up an electric Cushman cart for my wife's Dad Ray that I had bought online at ebay, so that he would have something to help him get around town better, run errands and pick up groceries and other things. I had said a prayer and hoped for favor from God for an early out. But it was not to be. No early out would be offered to me that day. I was very optimistic, but when it didn't come to pass, I thought, well, there must be a reason that I am leaving to go to Indiana when I did. God will have something in store for me. That is what I was thinking as I left with my son to drive to Indiana today.

About 3 hours from home or thereabouts, I saw a car stranded on the side of the road along I-94 in Wisconsin. A lady was standing next to it. Further up the road about 100 yards was a man running. He was carrying a gas can. To be honest, I have not seen anyone along the side of the road with a gas can in quite some time. In all my life I have seen maybe 6 people total. How many have you seen - think hard, a lot, a few, one, two, ten in your life, maybe? So I tell my son, that I was going to pull over and give him a ride to the gas station. We picked this stranger up and gave him a ride of about 2 miles. We exchanged some small talk and the man says to us, "I have just been having some bad luck, I have run out of gas twice this week". "Really" I said, "That is very odd." He then said, "Yeah, I ran out the first time on Thursday." That was 2 days ago I thought to myself! So he ran out of gas twice, 2 days apart and the first time was 2 days ago. Well I was certainly glad I came along to help him. Many people are afraid of picking up strangers for their own safety. It can be risky, but I knew I was just going to be able to help. I told him about this website, I didn't really tell him what it was about when he asked, I just asked him if he had internet access and told him the address here. http://www.two.cc/. He repeated it back to me. I then left him at the gas station and asked him again if he remembered it, he repeated it exactly. When he reads this, he may be a tad surprised! Praise God!

Well as we continued on our journey, it started to rain as the night moved in and as I was heading southeast along the freeway, I took a wrong turn and ended up driving back into Minnesota! Ughh! When I finally realized what I had done, I was well off course. I accidentally took I-90 west instead of I-90 east. I exited off of the freeway at the Houston, Minnesota exit and turned around and got back on I-90 going east. I said to my son, "I wonder how far into Minnesota we actually went?" As we got back on the freeway there was a sign that said La Crosse, Wisconsin (which is on the border of Minnesota and Wisconsin) 22 miles. Wow, I thought. 22 miles back into Minnesota. What were the odds of that? I would have rather not have had that happen. I lost a lot of time driving. I didn't get upset, I just knew that there was a reason for it, and maybe other reasons that I will never have knowledge of, and some that I will.

My son and I continued on in our driving trip toward Indiana, and late at night at some truck stop in Illinois we stopped for gas and to stretch our legs and grab a bite to eat. I was browsing around the store and I found a rack of older CD's that were on sale; 3 for 9 dollars. That is really cheap for CD's so I bought 3 of them. 2 of them were movie sound tracks of the "Lion King 2" and a movie I have never heard about called "Baseketball"; A name that combines baseball with basketball. The 3rd CD was from a group called the Sugar Hill Gang. They sung the original first Rap song called Rapper's Delight which I remember from when I was a kid. My son and I ate some Taco Bell food and continued on with our journey.

At exactly 2:00 am, on March 7th, 2004,
and I mean exactly at 2:00 am, we were listening to the Sugar Hill Gang CD and in a song called "The 8th Wonder" near the end of the song, I heard something very familiar. "OOAH, OOAH". The exact same sound Hutch and the kids from back home were saying and did not know of its origin and neither did I. But I knew now. WOW, I thought to myself, what are the odds of that? Astronomical. Had I gotten the early out, I would not have been able to give that man a much needed ride, nor would I have been able to hear that sound in a song at exactly 2:00 am. God, you are amazing. My trust in you grows to newer heights each and every day! Prophesy of signs and wonders. I am still getting signs of 2 and this latest one in a song called "The 8th Wonder". I can't explain it enough how truly incredible this all is. So if you are patient with God, He is showing me that He can use you. Don't fret if He doesn't always answer every prayer, He may just have something better in store for you and that is how you have to think about it. Then be on the look out for those things to pass. Put your trust in Him, and all will be OK. Had we not stopped for the man who ran out of gas, got lost and went the wrong way, spent extra time at the truck stop, this all would not have happened at exactly 2:00 am.

My son and I arrived at my Dad's place in southern Indiana. I slept there 4 hours, ate some lunch and headed right out to Northern Indiana to pick up the cart. We passed through many smaller towns along the way and were able to see a lot of the countryside in Indiana. Along this route we missed a few turns in a couple of places, but were able to turn back and get back on course. We also asked for directions and were able to take a different route to get back on course as well.

We were very near where we were going to pick up the electric cart and along some back roads in Indiana and we came across 2 Ahmish horse drawn carriages. I thought they were really neat. They were shiny black and all enclosed. The Ahmish people inside were sealed in from the weather outside which was turning into a snowy blizzard. We arrived at our destination and loaded up the cart. It just fit into the back of my pickup truck with absolutely no extra room at all. 1 inch longer and it wouldn't have fit at all. The guy who sold it to me also threw in to the deal 2 extra batteries for free.

March 8th, 2004,
Speaking of putting your trust in God, I was sent an email by some friends of mine and neighbors, Dan and Sheryl. This one really caught my eye. Although we often share many emails, only a few really grab me the way this one did. I would like to share the point of the email with you all.
Question: What is the shortest chapter in the Bible?
Answer: Psalm 117
Question: What is the longest chapter in the Bible?
Answer Psalm 119
Question: Which Chapter is in the center of the Bible?
Answer: Psalm 118
Fact: There are 594 chapters before Psalms 118Fact: There are 594 chapters after Psalms 118Add these numbers up and you get 1188.
Question: What is the center verse in the Bible?
Answer: Psalm 118:8 (Now there is a very odd coincidence! or not!)
This verse is the very center of the bible.
Psalms 118:8 "It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man."Now isn't that odd how this worked out (or was God in the center of it)?
So the story goes, and I really do like that verse a lot. A whole lot! But there is more to this story.
I did some searching and I found out a few things. I guess I just have that in me. The above story is very prominent on the internet and I really like it. But it is not true. I too even forwarded this one around before doing some checking. And I am glad something came to me to check on the validity of this; for it is not my intention to knowingly post something or share anything that is not the truth. Although I can admit that I do make mistakes, it is not my intention to do so.

So here is the rest of the story which I think you will find just as interesting if not more.
There are 1189 chapters in the bible. The center chapter in the Bible is Psalm 117, not Psalm 118. Psalm 117 is the shortest chapter in the Bible. It has 2 verses in it. 1O praise the LORD, all nations; praise Him, all peoples. 2For His merciful kindness is great toward us; and the truth of the LORD endures forever. Praise the LORD!
I also really like these 2 verses! But because there are only 2 verses, there is no middle verse here. However, if we run another check on how many verses there are in the Bible we get a different set of numbers. For example when it comes to number of total verses, I have read and heard preachers say a few different numbers, there are 31,000 verses, there are 31,101 verses, there are 31,102 verses, there are 31,170 verses and there are 31,175 verses. Well what is true? Let's go back to the good old King James Bible. The truth is, is that there are 31,102 verses in the King James Bible. Therefore there is no single middle verse. However there are two middle verses. These would be verses 15,551 and 15,552 (Psalms 103:1-2.) ADD the numbers up in 31,102, you get 7; God's perfect number. ADD the numbers up in Psalm 103,1-2. YOU ALSO GET 7 !!!!!!! WOW! Now there is an instance of 2 about this whole story I really like! Thank you for showing me both of those Father.
1A Psalm of David. Bless the LORD, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name. 2Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits
Now some bibles include the 1st four words, "A Psalm of David". Some don't. I don't know why. But it can be assumed that it is a Psalm of David, so why is it in there? Did someone else write it down for him? Probably. Maybe. I don't know. It is there for a reason so that we know who wrote it? I would think so. So both of these verses start with, "Bless the Lord!" Wow, that is really neat to know! And in the middle of this is, "Bless His holy name." Now I think that is truly amazing! The truth is even better when we get right down to the very center of things. I wonder what word or words are actually in the center of all the words in the Bible? We know what the center Chapter is - Psalm 117, and the center verses now. Maybe someday I will find the center WORDS out 2. Total words in the 31,102 verses - 788,258 (not including the Hebrew Alphabet in Psalm 119 or the superscriptions listed in some of the Psalms) The middle 2 words would be - I don't know yet. The 394,129th and the 394,130th words are the center.

Here are some other interesting facts about verses, books and chapters of the Bible.
The shortest verse in the Bible is, "Jesus wept". 2 words. John 11:35
The shortest chapter in the Bible is Psalm 117. 2 verses.
Psalm 119 is the longest chapter in the Bible and it lists 22 letters of the Hebrew Alphabet
The shortest book in the Bible is John 2
There is only 1 book that has 2 chapters. Hagai.
There are 2 Books that have 22 Chapters. Kings 1 and Revelation.
2 books have 10 chapters (EZRA and ESTHER - both start with E). 2 books have 21 chapters ( John and Judges - both start with J) and 1 book does have 66

chapters (Isaiah) and there are 66 books total in the Holy Bible which is the name of all 66 books compiled together having just 2 words on the cover of it.

My birthday is 10-21-66.

March 9th, 2004
I drove up to Cloquet today and at the entrance ramp to go north on I-35 there was a stranger looking for a ride. I picked him up and asked where he was going? He said to Duluth. I told him I would take him about half way to Cloquet and he hopped in. We talked about God and Jesus. We talked about death and being saved or not. We talked about faith and healing. It was real nice. A 2nd stranger on the side of the road, 1 on Saturday, 1 on Tuesday. 2 days separating those 2 occurrences. It is rare that you even see anyone hitch hiking these days at all. Occasionally you see a broken down vehicle, a little more rare to see one out of gas, and even more rare for a hitch hiker. Very, Very, Very, Very rare to happen the way that these 2 occurrences did. As I dropped him off in Cloquet at the entrance ramp to go north to Duluth, he said to me, "Keep the faith". He closed the door and I thought, Oh yes brother, I definitely will. I said a prayer that he be given a ride quickly to Duluth. I went to the store and when I returned to the spot I had left him, he was gone. Someone else had offered him a ride. Thank you for answering that prayer Father.

March� 11th, 2004
I received a letter in the mail from Hunter Ministries. They are a healing Ministry. I have read their book on How to Heal the sick quite a few months ago and was very amazed with it. Their belief that believers today can use the Power of God in Jesus name to heal the sick just as Jesus did and the Apostles did back in the 1st century. Their belief in this I also have and felt strongly for since I became a saved Christian. I just needed more knowledge and learning and wisdom and patience. Well I received one big huge revelation from God. And when I did, all I could do was to thank Him over and over. I felt an almost overwhelming sense of joy that God had given me this revelation that I must share this with everyone. I will try my best here to tell you all how important this revelation from God is.
The letter said that the Hunters were going to minister their final and last healing service. They are calling it the HEALING EXPLOSION. It is going to be at the Houston Astrodome on October 2nd, 2004. There will be as many as 70,000 people there with over 10,000 of them as members of God's Healing Army. I thought WOW, cool! But how do I know that this HEALING EXPLOSION IS FOR REAL?
WELL, God showed me all of the signs that point to Houston recently, as you know by reading about my trip to Indiana last weekend. What you don't know is this.
March 14th, 2004
The signs I received on my trip to Indiana, I had taken as just more signs of 2 that I would be adding to this book. But recently if you have noticed the signs were becoming more frequent and closer together, like birthing pains. I told you all of how when I was at work the day I left for Indiana my co-worker Hutch was singing this 2 syllable, 2 word phrase of "OOAH, OOAH" and that he also heard from another co-worker who's kids were singing it at home also. It was driving their dad nuts as he did not know why the kids were singing it or where this phrase originated from. I knew I had heard it before, but I also knew that it originated from some old 1970's song. I had no idea really. I somehow was directed to stop at a truck stop for a few things in Illinois. For 1 - I needed Gas. 2 - I was hungry. 3 - I was tired and needed to walk around and stretch my legs. Had I not drove way out of my way accidentally to Houston, Minnesota where the exit to that town is exactly 22 miles back into Minnesota, I would not have received that sign. I would not have ran out of gas and needed it when I did. Had I not stopped and gave the man who ran out of gas a much needed ride, I would not have heard the song and the phrase, "OOAH, OOAH" at exactly 2am. The CD's that were for sale at the gas station were all old, and clearance sale items, had they not been so cheap and on sale, I would not have purchased them in the first place. I don't even think you could find a Sugar Hill Gang CD in very many places at all, it is so old and out of the times. I don't even listen to RAP music, but the very 1st RAP song called "RAPPER'S DELIGHT" that came out in the 1970's was an old one that I had remembered a lot of the words to from when I was a kid and was interested in hearing again for some reason. Actually, the older first RAP songs from that time period in the 70's are not filled with the vulgar lyrics that today's RAP songs are full of. Anyway, I bought this CD and 2 others as they were 3 dollars each. We listened to the BASEKETBALL CD first and we listened to the Sugar Hill Gang CD 2nd. When the CD was just about over, near the end, and near the end of a certain song I heard the OOAH, OOAH sound and about freaked out. My son looked on the CD case for me and told me that the name of that song was called, "The 8th Wonder". Now that in itself was simply wild and weird and odd. The fact that I heard it at exactly 2am was very, very, very, very odd. But I didn't use that to describe it in this book. If you look back, I wrote the odds of all this happening like the way it did was as I quote, "ASTRONOMICAL". When I wrote that word down, I stopped for a few seconds and thought about why I wanted to use that exact word, and thought, well, it is appropriate. And I kept writing about the trip and the odd occurrences of 2's.
Late that night I went searching for the Hunter Ministries website to see what else I could find out about the healing explosion said to take place at the Houston Astrodome, and I found their website. On their website is a link to a 2nd website just made specifically for the HEALING EXPLOSION at the ASTRODOME. When I opened the page to that website I was almost knocked off of my couch with utter amazement and Joy. For when I opened up the webpage I saw something that confirmed all of the signs I had recently received and it gave perfect and full meaning to them. I was so full of Joy all I could do was say Thank you Father, over and over again. What I saw was this: A huge picture of the Houston Astrodome above it was titled "Healing Explosion" and below it was the caption, "The Houston Astrodome, The 8th Wonder of the World"! WOW! SO now do you see the amazing coincidence of this? I drove out of my way for 22 miles to Houston, not knowing why. I stop and bought a CD with the song "The 8th Wonder" which I heard at exactly 2am because it had the verse OOAH, OOAH in it which we had talked about at work only 12 hours prior. What are the odds of this? Thank you Father for being so clear and doing it in a way that was so fun, it was like a mystery at first, and then you made it so clear to me, that now I pray for you to make it so clear to those who read this, In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.
Some other things that I noticed also that are of significance are - The Healing Explosion starts on September 30th. There will be 2 days of preparation first and then the Finale of Healings for the Hunter Ministries will be on October 2nd, 2004. You see, my birthday will be just 22 days after this starts. And the 2nd of October well I like them 2's!

So now I am wondering about getting down there, and where to stay and if I should reserve hotel rooms and things like that, and at church on March 15th, 2004, a couple from church invited my wife and I over for lunch afterwards. That is the first time this has ever happened and it was really quite out of the blue. When we went over there, their son in law Andrew (Andrew is married to Sarah, who was the one who knocked on my door in August and I gave her the book from Robert Morris about tithing and the Blessed Life" WOW HUH!) started telling us about how he was planning on going to Texas for a job interview. I gulped and said, "Where in Texas are you exactly going for this interview?" He said, "Houston". I just knew he was going to say that. I quickly told them all of the signs I had received and Andrew said, "Well if I am down there, I will definitely be going."

Let's suppose Andrew goes to Texas and has this interview. And let's suppose he gets the job, (I said a prayer for God's favor over Andrew for that one already), but let's suppose he does. It is quite possible that they may have to take up a new residence in the Houston area and that when I was to go down there, I would then know someone from my church that is now living there. WOW, wouldn't that be grand! Father, in all my dreams, you make them even better than I could possibly dream, and all this is happening in real life!

So what I would like to do now is to invite you down to Houston, to the Astrodome for a healing explosion from God. I know I have been given the signs that God has anointed this and I am not even sure how God talked to or showed the Hunter's about when and where this was to take place. But there is definitely more to this story. On October 2nd, 2004, if you know of any believer who wants to help and assist God in healing the sick, please tell them about this; they are looking for 10,000 volunteers. If you know anyone who needs to be healed, please tell them of these signs and miracles that lead to this explosion and anointing from God and to be there. I don't know how else to tell you this, but believers all over the world will be coming and as more signs like this are released and made known by the Holy Spirit of God, then the rush will be on. Please don't let this one slip away from you. Please I beg of you. We all know someone who needs to be healed and or saved. We all know good Christians who have been looking for a revival and have been eagerly awaiting a true sign from God. I just know in my heart, I just know it, that there is something miraculous going to be seen and felt there. I want to share it with everyone. I cannot keep something like this of this magnitude to myself. Ever since I read their book on healings, it confirmed for me there were believers out there that believe that the Bible is what it is. It is for today as it was for 2000 years ago. The Bible is God's word. Just have faith, believe it is God's will to heal people now, just as it was back then. Jesus refused no one when he healed people. When they came to him by the multitudes, HE HEALED THEM ALL! His healing ministry is not dead. It is alive and well and in HIS NAME, you will see healings and signs and wonders.
Mathew 4:24 And his fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought to him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatic, and those that had the palsy; and he healed them.

Mathew 12:15 But when Jesus knew it, he withdrew himself from there: and great multitudes followed him, and he healed them all;

Luke 4:40 Now when the sun was setting, all they that had any sick with divers diseases brought them to him; and he laid his hands on every one of them, and healed them

Luke 6:17 And he came down with them, and stood in the plain, and the company of his disciples, and a great multitude of people out of all Judaea and Jerusalem, and from the sea coast of Tyre and Sidon, which came to hear him, and to be healed of their diseases

Luke 6:19 And the whole multitude sought to touch him: for there went virtue out of him, and healed them all

I don't know what it will take for you to make it to Houston, I just know that whatever it takes, you must be there. The theme in the above scriptures is, they brought the sick to him and ALL WERE HEALED! NONE WERE REFUSED! They heard that Jesus was in town and they all came a running! They carried in the sick, the sick were taken, the sun was setting (An evening service as is the one in Houston), so please bring yourself and your friends and your loved ones to see the Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Just to state the record clearly, I do not personally know the Hunter's, I have never met them. I am not promoting them as in exulting them over and above our Lord Jesus Christ. I am making nothing for this. I am getting nothing from them. I have been simply given a sign from God and I am sharing it freely with anyone who will listen. My reward will be to witness God's power and glory. My reward will be to see thousands healed in Jesus Name. My reward will be to be healed myself. My reward will be to help the kingdom of God and to help bring lives and souls to God through Jesus Christ that they may live in an eternity with him and not be condemned to hell. Please do not make the Lord Jesus Christ's work on the cross for our sins to be in vain. He died, so that we may live in eternity with God. He gave so much for us because he Loves us all so much. My reward is to share Jesus' love with all.

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