March 10th, 2005 Before I finished those files today I was at work at the prison. Something odd happened that I do not know the meaning of yet. Here is what happened. A co-worker of mine brought in a newspaper. In the paper there is a fun puzzle called the JUMBLE. What was odd about today's JUMBLE puzzle was that the Duluth paper made a mistake and accidentally printed it in the paper twice! One right on top of each other in the same column. They should have printed the JUMBLE puzzle and then below it printed another different cryptogram puzzle, as the title showed, but for some reason the JUMBLE was printed twice. I guess no one at the newspaper caught the mistake and out it came in print for everyone to see. These kinds of things are very very rare and very odd to say the least. To me I take this as a sign when these oddities happen. Especially when things happen with a 2 or twice etc... So I thought to myself, I just have to work this puzzle out and obtain the answer. Another rare thing is that I even seen this at all. I hardly ever read the paper, I mean, out of 365 days in a year I bet I look at 20 all year long. And only because a co-worker brought it in did I see it in the first place, adding to the rarity of this in a big way. So I porceeded to do the puzzle and with my co-worker's help we arrived at solving it. The clue went something like this, What you would need to help the town from being flooded. There was also a quote and it said, we will need tax dollars to get something like this payed for. The answer to the puzzle was, "A LEVEE LEVY". A Levee is a wall built to hold back high waters, a Levy is what would be passed by legislators to impose a tax. WOW, huh? 2 words pronounced LEVEE but spelled in 2 different ways and meaning 2 different things. That is so odd that this kind of puzzle came out on a day when there was a major mistake of 2 JUMBLE's getting printed and just when all of the other signs of 2's were happening with the book cover I was making for them to print at a printer. Now I don't know if the Levee thing means anything at all or was just a fun coincidence God gave to me as a treat for getting through the past events. I have no idea. A flood? Do we need a Levee? Do we need a Levy, to build a Levee in this town? Are God's gifts to us being poured out now as likened to a flood? Many questions that I have not the answers to. I guess only God knows and time will tell if this Levee thing means anything at all or was just a part of a fun sign. I know one thing, for me, I am having a blast! I am reading my Bible every day, and just a week or so ago, I finally finished reading the entire Bible for the very first time! Now as I am reading other parts for the 2nd time, I am picking up more things and getting new meaning and more understanding to what I did not understand the first time. God's book, "The Bible" is alive! When we first get to know God He gives us milk to drink, as in a newborn child, they cannot digest meat and vegetables, they need milk. As we grow in Christ, He will slowly ween us off of the milk and feed us the meat. This process is different for everyone as to how well they mature and grow. I look at the gift of the 2's as likened unto desserts. I like desserts! Cake, Ice Cream, Pie, oh I love pie! Brownies, cookies, you name it! But along the way God has taught me and showed me that I can't just live, nor get closer to Jesus with just the desserts. If all I got were signs and wonders, (desserts) then I would not be well fed, nor well balanced, nor rooted in deeply as I need to be. So I have definately learned some things about the Meat of God's Word, Jesus as the bread of Life, The fruits of the Holy Spirit, and the vegeatbles too! About a month or so ago, I was praying to God about just this very thing, about the food we eat and it being compared to spiritual food. I was at work and while eating lunch I was talking to God about this food thing. I told God I knew what the meat was, and that I knew Jesus was our bread, I even knew about desserts! The signs and wonders, healings, miracles and feeling the Holy Spirit move. But I asked God, what are the vegetables? I asked and prayed for this answer for about 10 minutes. And then I heard that still small voice of God tell me, "TESTIMONIES". WOW I thought, that is really profound! What wisdom has he just shared with me! There are many side dished that we eat, and there are billions of testimonies out there that need to be shared. When we share a testimony, we are feeding God's sheep as he asked with a part of the spiritual food they need! Just like kids do, we often skip the veggies because they don't taste as good, and the kids see the pie over on the counter, and they do not want to finish their dinner, they want to jump righ to the pie! Well God just told me with one word, that we need to share our testimonies so the Body of Christ can be fed its vegetables! Don't keep it in, what God has done for you! Share, share, share! This is what the freely give as you have been freely given to refers to! If God has done something in your life, share it! Give your testimony of this. We all need to be fed a well balnced meal, even the Pastors need to hear good testimonies so they too can be fed. The Pastors need to tell the Body to share more testimonies. This in turn, will feed the Body and once the Body of Christ is well fed, and well nourished, we can look forward to more desserts! Halelujah! The book I am writing is one big huge gigantic testimony! God gave it all to me freely, and I am just trying my best to give it back freely. WHen we hear testimonies, it build our faith! What can we do with greater faith? Oh the possibilites are endless with God and faith in Him! Glory to God!
A month or so later, I was working at the prison and my co-worker Jerry and I kept hearing the song "The House of the Rising Son" - It is about a house of ill repute - a whorehouse - in New Orleans. We would hear it in the oddest way and for some reason Jerry even had dreams about it. God was telling us something about New Orleans, but we had no clue to put these events together and to know what they would ultimately mean.
As we all now know, on August 23rd, 2005 a tropical depression was formed in the Atlantic and on August 29th, 2005 that storm was a category 5 hurricaine that slammed into New Orleans, flooded the Levees, or actually broke them, and the entire town was completely flooded in one of if not the worst natural dissaster in our countries history. Were we warned to pray? I did not know that this sign could have meant that, but I somewhat suspected something was to come of this. I just had no idea of the magnitude. I asked, "Do we need a Levee? A Levy for a Levee?" I guess we did, but we needed bigger ones than what we had. I don't think I would have known how to even pray for something like this. I did pray about it. I think we need more prayer from more people to be in one accord over these bigger things like this. Like our countries leaders, and laws that have been passed. We all need to pray that the right thing be done, and that the righteous people are put into those positions of authority, or we as the people may be guilty of what becomes. Pray for the Supreme Court Justices to be nominated righteous men and women, pray for our President and all other offices to be righteous God Fearing men and women. If we do that, we will again be blessed as a country. Right now if we don't change our ways soon, we will be held accountable, and that will be a great and terrible Wo, you will not want to experience. Repent and make the path straight America.
Labels: 2005 Signs of New Orleans Hurricaine - wow, March 10th
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