2 - Signs of the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ

After I was born again and accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior, I asked God about the signs He gave to His people through the healings of Jesus and of the parting of the Red Sea. If signs are to be following believers, why have I not seen any evidence of them? I was now a believer, and I wanted an answer to this question. So it wasn't one of those, "God if you show me a sign, then I will believe" things, It was a "God, I do believe, give me something to tell people and I will tell it to them."

My Photo
Location: Moose Lake, Minnesota, United States

God gave me a sign, and then he gave me another, and another, and another. I began to wonder why people who believed in Jesus had never tried to talk to me about Him. So after I believed in Jesus and repented for all of my sins, I then asked God a question. How come we don't see any more grandiose miracles and signs anymore? God, I am 36 and I haven't seen any of the kinds that are written in the Bible, like miracle healings, the parting of the Red Sea, a boat in the middle of a lake suddenly is at the other side, 5000 people fed with 1 basket of food, the list goes on. I then asked God to give me a sign, a fun sign, one that people will say WOW to, and if He would do that, I would tell everyone about what God did. Well, God kept His part of the deal, so now I am doing my best to keep mine. That is why this testimony is online at my website called 2 and here on this blog. I just need to tell this story and let God do the rest.

Friday, September 19, 2008

This past summer 2008, I was able to travel despite the very high gas prices, to the west coast in May and to the east coast in August. This allowed me to stop by the last 4 points on the cross over the Unites States on the 7 points that God has shown me. I have now found the contact points at each of the 7 points on the cross over the 39th latitude line and the 93rd longitude line. God started to show me these points about 4 years ago and I traveled to the first 3 points north and south way back then. But it has taken another 3 and a half years or more to be able to travel to the other 4 points. Well finally, all 7 points on the cross over the United States have been found. And, when I was at the last point I also received a small sign of the year 2010. This would be a possible start to whatever God is going to be doing at these 7 points.
Here are the 7 points

Vineyard Church
Austin, Minnesota

Federated Church
Arrow Rock, Missouri

Christian Ministries
Hot Springs, Arkansas

St. Paul's Community United Methodist Church
Point Arena, California

Grace Point Church
Grand Junction, Colorado

Creation Museum
Petersburg, Kentucky

New Beginnings Temple of Praise
Washington, DC

Now we have to wait on God to begin to move at these places and to see what other message He wants us to know about these places and healing for our country.


This past June of 2010, I was sent to confirm a few more coincidences on the cross and sure enough God confirmed them for sure! The Vineyard Church in Austin has closed and they merged with another smaller church in the area about 4 -5 block I believe from the old church. God also confirmed Kettle River, Minnesota as the actual first point on the cross and now the most northern point. Which then led me to the 9th point on the cross in in the most southern location of Natchitoches, Louisiana. Both the 1st point in Kettle River, Minnesota and Natchitoches, Louisiana are both named West Side. The one in Louisiana is the West Side Baptist Church. Kettle River is just West Side Church. There are now confirmed 9 points on a cross over the United States of America that lead to a prophetic word for America. Something grandiose is going to happen at these 9 points in the future. May God have Mercy on her. in Jesus name, Amen.

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