2 - Signs of the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ

After I was born again and accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior, I asked God about the signs He gave to His people through the healings of Jesus and of the parting of the Red Sea. If signs are to be following believers, why have I not seen any evidence of them? I was now a believer, and I wanted an answer to this question. So it wasn't one of those, "God if you show me a sign, then I will believe" things, It was a "God, I do believe, give me something to tell people and I will tell it to them."

My Photo
Location: Moose Lake, Minnesota, United States

God gave me a sign, and then he gave me another, and another, and another. I began to wonder why people who believed in Jesus had never tried to talk to me about Him. So after I believed in Jesus and repented for all of my sins, I then asked God a question. How come we don't see any more grandiose miracles and signs anymore? God, I am 36 and I haven't seen any of the kinds that are written in the Bible, like miracle healings, the parting of the Red Sea, a boat in the middle of a lake suddenly is at the other side, 5000 people fed with 1 basket of food, the list goes on. I then asked God to give me a sign, a fun sign, one that people will say WOW to, and if He would do that, I would tell everyone about what God did. Well, God kept His part of the deal, so now I am doing my best to keep mine. That is why this testimony is online at my website called 2 and here on this blog. I just need to tell this story and let God do the rest.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

June 3rd, 2005 In the last 2 days, I spoke out in boldness for the Word of God and what it stands for. At work at the prison and at the ministry where I have been helping out. I have now today resigned as Vice President of Dale Ross Ministries for reasons of turning God's house into a marketplace. I guess I will not go into all the details, but the Lord has placed it upon my heart to speak out and I did. And I was immediately cast out. Others were in agreement, we will pray for that Ministry and hope to see its ways and to have them corrected. And at the prison where I work, I was told to check my religion at the door. I was then told to cease talking to inmates about God immediately. I told them, no, that I can't do that. I pray for the prison, the staff, inmates and administration. I often will use the Word of God to comfort an inmate who needs help. I use discerment over this, I don't just cram it down their throats, that would not be good. I do it only when I am led to, and especially when I see that the inmate is a christian. But I have made it clear that if any inmate wants to talk about God, that I am willing to do so. I am also aware that I need to use discernment in doing so. My main objective is for the safety and security of the facilty, its staff, and the offenders that are there. And using the Word of God helps in doing this by keeping an open line of communication that helps with the rehabilitation and inward change of the mindset of some offenders. I see positive results in the hearts of inmates and a change in them towards better ways. Praise be to God for this. If that is not a good thing, then what purpose does a prison have than to warehouse these offenders? They will eventually get out of prison and be yours and my neighbors. I will continue to treat them with respect and in doing so, I see a change in them. This is a good thing. Amen.

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May 7th, 2005 Today at 4:10pm I did something really fun! I wrote a poem on April 17th and here is that poem:
A Balloon of Hope 4/17/05 Things happen for a reasonOften times not until their seasonSo on this beautiful dayYou just happened on your wayTo find this balloon crossing your pathWhether in a tree, a bush or in your bird bathRolling in a field or along side of the roadOr out on your lawn with the grass freshly mowedI would have to say that if you found this treasureThat it was faith and hope and for God to measureBecause God led this balloon and guided its waySo that you would happen to see it one dayYou may have been doing or planning something elseYou may have been delayed or stopped by some palsThis was all for a reason and if you stop and thinkWhy do I ever get delayed, just look and don't blinkOr how about that time when you got a flatAnd you were late and never even thought of thatBecause of the accident that was avertedWhen that nail was just so slightly insertedOr it caused you to meet up with someone you knewOr a long lost friend who said WOW, you sure grew!We sometimes will never know all of the reasons God hasWhy do we like Rock, or Country or Jazz?So things like this don't happen everydayBut for some odd reason I wrote this poem todaySo I could send it to heaven and let God do the restSo let this be a sign and a seed of God's bestTo touch your heart and make you ponderOf why you of all people, happened to look over yonderAnd see this beautiful balloon with a basket hangingYou were led this day and it is very amazingI believe that God sent you to pick up this poemWhether you believe in Him or don't even know'emYou see God has been giving me some pretty cool signsSigns of 2's, things happening twice and along those linesThey started on the 2nd Sunday after Easter in 2003It has been over two years and they're still finding meAll I needed to do was to pray and then lookAnd believe it would happen and have the faith it tookSo first I believed and then looked for a signI looked and I looked for a real long timeAnd then it happened, and the sign did comeI aint no one special, this can happen to anyoneSo here is a sign for you from HimYes God above is not so grimHe loves all his children so very muchAnd He is looking for them so He can touchTheir hearts today so they can know HimSometime God even goes out on a limbTo get your attention and say Hi, I am hereThis balloon comes with Love so have no fearYou found this balloon or did it find you2 things in motion but what's really true?Why do things happen the way they do?Why did this happen, why did God choose you?So as my story goes along I think there is a reasonWhy God chose you as it seemed very pleasin'So I invite you to send me an email some dayAs I know you'll have a story to sayAbout how you found the balloon and it found youBut I'm willing to go out on that limb also tooAnd I think that God has a special appointment in timeAnd I find it remarkable that this did all rhymeI hope you understand and know what all this meantBecause by faith this balloon of Hope was sent
Miracles happen and they are for real. It really was not an accident or a coincidence that you found this balloon. This isn't a trick or some gimmick. This is fate. I was led to do this and I have no idea why or whom I will meet, nor do I know for what reason, but it will unfold and it will be amazing. Sometime you just have to trust God and have faith. So that is what I am doing. Email me and I will tell you the rest of the story.
With the Love of God- I bid you peace,
And with that poem wrapped in plastic wrap so it would not get wet, I sent it into the world after praying over it and for God to guide it and to bless it. I let it go at 4:10 pm and it went out of my sight in only 1 minute. It was so fun and exciting to see God take it away! Now I am waiting for a response and I will let you all know when the response comes in as I included my email address for them to contact me. The balloon took off and did not go the way I thought it would fly, it headed off in a south western direction from Moose Lake. It will be fun to see where it lands and who finds it! I am so excited! Now I need to have patience to see what becomes of this balloon of hope.
Something else happened on this day that was an instance of a 2, or a thing happening twice and consecutively. Earlier in the day around noon I was asked by a friend of mine if I could loan him 5 dollars. All I had in my pocket was 2 - 1 dollar bills, but I did have a 10 dollar bill in my truck. So what I did was write the number 10 on my left hand as a reminder for me to remember to leave it in his vehicle when I left work that day. When I left work, I put the 10 dollar bill in his vehicle and then I left. Then at 4:10 I released the balloon. About an hour or so later, I was watching the TV and the Kentucky Derby Horse race was being televised. The race was one by a horse named Giacomo who just happened to be wearing number 10! Interesting I thought as I looked at my hand and saw the number 10 still written there. About another hour or so later my son was talking about donating blood at school for a blood drive. The conversation with him and my wife then ended up in wondering what Blood Type our son was. I thought that it would have been written on his birth certificate so my wife went into our file and started rumaging through the papers in there. She then came across my birth certificate and asked me if I knew what time I was born at? I answered with an "I have no idea." My wife then said, "You were born at 4:10" "Really?" I said with a slow gulp and a look of wonderment. So I have now just gone through 2 sets of 2's, the number 10 popped up twice there kind of oddly, and then the number 4:10. I have no idea what this set of 2's is leading me towards, but it was rather odd how it all happened, and that's what I do, when something like this happens, I just record it in this journal, and see what becomes of it. Right now I have no idea where or what this may be leading towards. 2- 10's and 2- 4:10's. I looked up some verses of 4:10 in quite a few books of the bible, like as to what happened in Luke 4:18 earlier, but nothing really stuck out. My wife did think that it was odd when I showed her the number 10 on my hand, right after that horse won the race though. She said, "How did you come to pick that horse." Thinking that I wrote it down on my hand to see if I could guess the winner. I said " I didn't, it was just one of those coincidences that it was there." I know it means something, I just dont know what yet, we shall see. Lord Jesus, please enlighten me.

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May 3rd, 2005 Having the thinking of the last sign being so Grandiose in nature, I was wondering if the signs of 2's would continue? And on this day as I had sent out a multitude of emails around the entire world proclaiming of what I had just been given by the Lord to preach of the Accpetable year of the Lord being in 2029, I received another sign. I had been looking over the internet of websites of which there are millions, but concerning myself with ones that spoke of different end time prophecies and of the second coming of Jesus Christ. When I would look at the many websites that there were on this subject matter, I would find the link on the website to email the contact persons who managed the content of the websites. In doing this, I was able to contact many of them. I had begun doing this 2 days ago. for the verses in the book of Ezekiel make warning to do so.Ezekiel Chapter 33:1Again the word of the LORD came to me, saying, 2Son of man, speak to the children of your people, and say to them, When I bring the sword on a land, if the people of the land take a man of their coasts, and set him for their watchman: 3If when he sees the sword come on the land, he blow the trumpet, and warn the people; 4Then whoever hears the sound of the trumpet, and takes not warning; if the sword come, and take him away, his blood shall be on his own head. 5He heard the sound of the trumpet, and took not warning; his blood shall be on him. But he that takes warning shall deliver his soul. 6But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand. 7So you, O son of man, I have set you a watchman to the house of Israel; therefore you shall hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me
8When I say to the wicked, O wicked man, you shall surely die; if you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at your hand. 9Nevertheless, if you warn the wicked of his way to turn from it; if he do not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your soul. 10Therefore, O you son of man, speak to the house of Israel; Thus you speak, saying, If our transgressions and our sins be on us, and we pine away in them, how should we then live? 11Say to them, As I live, said the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn you, turn you from your evil ways; for why will you die, O house of Israel?
Deuteronomy 18:22When a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD has not spoken, but the prophet has spoken it presumptuously: you shall not be afraid of him.
So you see that I must send out this message. I have been commissioned to do so. After doing so dilligently for 2 days, I had seen that some website traffic was coming in to my website from an unknown website that I was unfamiliar with. I went to investigate as to why the traffic was coming from there? For there had been 2 visitors who had come from that website. When I arrived at the website and saw on my screen a large topic subject header that read,"22 END-OF-THE-WORLD PROPHECIES: PREDICTIONS THAT THE END WILL COME AFTER 2010". I had to stop and think about that. I had now remembered when I visited that website! It was a site called ReligiousTolerance.org they claim to have listed over 7 dozen failed prophetic end time predictions. The majority of these were around the 1998 - 2000 era. As the millenium approached it seemed to have raised an alarm in itself, and for good reason! But the alarm was sounded anyway and now we have dozens of failed millenium predictions. But they were almost right. The Lord will return on the 3rd day, for a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like a day. They just didn't figure on one thing, Christ died in the year 29 AD. Not 0, and they dont count 0 as a year, they go from 1BC to 1AD. If you eliminate the millenium scare, there would be far less failed predictions. The site boasts exactly 22 failed predictions from 1998 alone. But what is really odd was that when I emailed the manager of this website, there were only 21 End of the World Prophecies and I had no idea they would even list mine. I just figured I was letting them know of the signs I had received and I went along my way. So my story, or prediction based on numerous signs leading to 2029, of which I am just a messenger of what the Lord gives me, was in fact the 22nd listed on that website. They have 22 failed from 1998 alone, and after 2010, they have 22 END-OF-THE-WORLD PROPHECIES. Why had my entry been the 22nd? I emailed this question to the website owner of the Religious Toloerance website, and asked him if he found it odd that my site was about 2's, signs and coincidences of 2's and that my link was now his 22nd added, and he quoted back to me in an email, "I guess that only time will tell. Unfortunately for me, my life expectancy is only about a decade or two, so I don't expect to be alive in 2029." It was not a coincidence that my link was listed as their 22nd. nor that they had another page with 22 failed. My link was the 22nd added, but is the 16th in their list chronologically. They start in 2010 and go out to 2076. With many failed predictions, and many different ones out there, which one is the Acceptable Year of the Lord? I leave this for you to ponder. How were these other dates arrived at? How did their authors of these dates come to their conclusions? Do any of the other predictors have a chronological story such as this one, and of amazing coincidences and signs? Even so, the most AMAZING SIGN or MIRACLE would be able to dangle right in front of someone's face, and there would still be some that won't see it, for their eyes are closed and their ears plugged. Pray for people's spiritual eyes to be opened, so they may see the signs that are being given in these last days. Amen.
Amos 3:7Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.

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April 26th, 2005 There appears to be more to the coincidence of the 2 - 4:18's from the last post. I will try and detail what has transpired since then. On April 25th late at night, I responded to an email from Pastor Joel, who I had done the book cover graphics for. He had asked me if I could update a graphic for him for his website and put the new book cover on it. So I made him a brand new graphic and sent him an email and I also told him about the latest occurence of something happening twice and consecutively, being the two instances of 4:18's. In his reply to me on April 26th, he said to me that he really didnt see or get the meaning of them, but he thought that a scripture was a possibility. I had not given this too much thought, but I then responded back to him that it was simply that it was very odd that I started my 2nd business, another partnership between two people on 4/18 and that it became official with the State at 4:18pm. But anyway, the scripture he quoted me was Luke 4:18. I had really not considered any scripture to coincide with the 4:18's but out of the 66 books in the Bible, how did Luke 4:18 compare with all the others? So I looked at Luke 4:18 and saw this:
Luke 4:18 The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, 19To preach the acceptable year of the Lord. 20And he closed the book, and he gave it again to the minister, and sat down. And the eyes of all them that were in the synagogue were fastened on him. 21And he began to say to them, This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears.
Now this is the scripture that Jesus read from the book of Isaiah 61 1The Spirit of the Lord GOD is on me; because the LORD has anointed me to preach good tidings to the meek; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound; 2To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn;
Notice Jesus did not finish the scripture verse "and the day of vengeance of our God". He did that for a reason, because that day had not come yet until His 2nd coming.
Well back to the story, I received Pastor Joel's email and read Luke 4:18, it made me wonder a bit about this and especially the part about the acceptable year of the Lord in 4:19. But I also thought was God telling me this verse? Was it for me? I then went back to the prison where I work and about a half an hour later sat down to eat and pulled out my Bible. This was on a Tuesday the 26th of April and I had not looked at the Bible in my coat pocket since the Saturday before. I leave that one in my pocket for work, I read other Bibles when I am at home. I opened the Bible and turned to where I had left off last Saturday and it hit me! My friend Rob and I have been doing a study on Sabboths. So I remembered reading Luke 4:16 and stopping to ponder and think about that verse. What is really odd is that I got to that verse on Friday, and could not leave that page. I stayed on that page and verse for 2 days, something that is not normal for me at all. But, I guess I was just led to not advance! I think now that it was by God that I had stayed on that page 2 days. For when I returned to work the following Tuesday, 2 verses after I stopped was the now FAMOUS Luke 4:18 verse staring at me in the face! WOW, ok I am thinking, this has to mean something really cool! SO I got home and began a study on Luke 4:18 and 19 as those were in red as Jesus spoke them in my Bible as soon as I had turned the page. What I found out was that the Acceptable Year of the Lord is tied into the Jewish Jubilee year. And the Jubilee year ties into the Sabbath study Rob and I were doing. Ok, I am thinking, this is getting really coincidental like! I found out how important a Jubilee year was, as they would let the land go on the 7th year just like on a sabboth day they would not work, so they let the land go for 7 sabboth rotations and that made 49 years, and in the 50th year, the Jubilee year, they sounded the trumpets across the land, and all that were captives, or slaves were set free! Prisoners were set free! There was much celebration. Any land that was lost was returned! All debts owed were canceled! Oh what an amazing time it must have been! So now when Jesus was reading the scripture from Isaiah 61, what He was telling them was that He was their permanent Jubilee! He had fulfilled this scripture by His coming. They didnt get it. Jesus is the Lord of the Sabboth, He is their Sabboth, and not only their Sabboth, but their Jubilee after a Sabboth of Sabboths!\ 7 times 7. He would now set them free, free the captives, restore the lost and what was taken, and deliver them! But they didn't see it that way! What I also found out was that they taught in the synagogs every Sabboth for 3.5 years, and that is how long it took them to read through the Torah, the first 5 books of the Bible, teaching the scriptures on these Sabboth days. They went through the first 5 books of the Old Testament called the Torah, twice in a 7 year period, or 1 Sabboth of years. Then Jesus came along and also taught on the Sabboth's, but Jesus, after teaching went out and did what he was teaching about. They didn't like that either, there is no work to be done on the Sabboth they said! And they chastised Jesus for it. How bad they thought of Him to work on the Sabboth! But He was fulfilling all these years of teaching on the Sabboths, and was now saying to them, you have ME NOW! EVERYDAY! ALWAYS! Not just once every 50 years in a Jubilee YEAR! The Sabboth had been fulfilled by Jesus and they didn't see it! And no matter how hard they tried to keep the Sabboth, they could not do it, and they turned it into a strict form of religion that no one could be able to keep it holy.
Well here is where this gets really good! After I did research on this Jubilee study I could clearly see how the Jubilee Year in the old days was almost exactly like the 2nd coming of Christ would be! Blowing the trumpets, and setting the captives free! It was uncanny. It was a perfect match. So I began sharing what I had just learned with an inmate at work, who was really fascinated with what I had just told him about the Jubilee years. But I then told him, I have no idea when these Jubilee Years occur, or when the next one would be. He then said hold on. He went and got a book from his room called,"The Chronology of the Bible" written by Frank R. Klassan in 1975. The inmate had gotten it from a Ministry in Texas that had sent it to him. That ministry was called REVELATION MINISTRIES, I thought that was even a sign as to the revelation I had just been given. In looking at the book's chronology, I saw that the author claims that Jesus was born on April 1st actually. Hmmm I thought, I had never heard of that before. My Mom was born on that day also. It then showed perfectly all of the Jubilee years along side the Hebrew calendar years and along side the Gregorian calendar years. WOW, what a perfect book to look at in such a perfectly laid out format for me to figure this out I thought. Then I saw something on the 69th Jubilee that would take place in the year 2029. It showed that in the year 2026 that this would be the year 6000, bringing us into the 7th millenium. Hmmmm, I really began trying to figure this out now. I thought, "Lord, have you just now given me the Acceptable Year of the Lord?" Oh my, I thought again, there was way too much going on here. But get this, the inmate who showed this book to me said that he almost sent the book out 2 times and for some reason held onto it. This same inmate used to live upstairs from my 1st business partner! It was my 2nd business partnership that led me to this whole thing in the first place! Yowza! The inmates name is Daniel. What has the book of Daniel to say about end times? Oh My! You have to be kidding me! I don't think the Lord is kidding at all. I was and still am - Awestruck!
So let's look at a few scenerios:
1- 2029 is the year in this book which is exactly 2000 years after the death of Christ, He rose in a Jubilee Year and it looks like He is coming back in a Jubilee Year. The day of Jubilee is Atonement Sunday or Yom Kippur. That is the day that I was at the first and northern point of the Cross over the US that the Lord had shown me, where my Dad took a photo of the Cross in the Sky while I was outside of the church in Austin, MN. 2- 2026 is the the year that was stated on this chronology to be the year 6000, or the first year of the 7th millenium. 3- The book only went out to 2033 which would be 7 years after the 6000. 7 years of tribulation? WOW! 4- That would mean that there is some sort of Midway Rapture of the church if this is true. See Daniel 9:27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the middle of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured on the desolate. Also look in John Chapter 6 where the desciples were in a boat, they rowed approximately 3.5 miles or HALF WAY across the rough and stormy sea (Sounds like tribulation to me) and when Jesus appeared unto them, He entered the boat with them and they were immediately on the other side to where they were going. That sounds a lot like a rapture to me! Why would Jesus have done that? Why not finish rowing the rest of the way? I believe Jesus was not only showing them something, but He was telling us something as well! Also look at Daniel 12: 11 And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that makes desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days. 12Blessed is he that waits, and comes to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days. 1335 days is 3.65 years! That's about 3.5 years! In John 6, the desciples were guessing as to how far they had rowed. It states , somewhere between 25 and 35 furlongs was their guess. A furlong is 1/8 of a mile. So to put that into perspective, we have 3 1/8 years to 4 3/8 years. 3.65 years fits into this, but the key here is "ABOUT HALF WAY" not exactly, but approximately, so this has some meaning and validity. 5- Or, the year the Lord comes back is 2029 and you subtract 7, putting the start of tribulation at 2022, hmmm, look at them 2's, then this would put 2026, or the Hebrew year 6000 at the midway point. What does that mean then? I am not that great on the Book of Revelation studies to know all of this, but I do know that this means something, and I just need a little help and wisdom and more knowledge. I pray the Lord continue to guide me. But there are some Christians out there that have this knowledge, and I pray that they use it and share it all the more fervently now. Please study Joel, Daniel and Revelation.
One more amazing thing, Jesus is coming back for His church as the bridegroom and to marry His church. There will be a wedding! Praise the Lord! Now for the amazing thing about this entire instance of 2's, On this Day April 26th, I was given this set of signs of the end times. Also on this day April 26th, I was married for the 2nd time in the church! I was married the first time by the Justice of the Peace, and 3 and a half months later I was remarried a 2nd time back home in front of family and friends. Does this sound familiar? The wedding day of Jesus when He returns for the 2nd time in front of all his elect? This is just amazing! What are the odds of this! Glory to God!
One even more amazing thing! Pastor Joel was the one who led me to Luke 4:18-19 and so as you look at the Book of Joel Chapter 2 of course, you will see this scripture, WOW, this is AMAZING!Joel Chapter 21Blow you the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the LORD comes, for it is near at hand; WOW LORD!
To top all of this off, this entire journal / story / testimony spans EXACTLY 2 YEARS! It all started on the 1st Sunday after Easter on April 20th, 2003 and then the signs of 2's started on the 2nd Sunday after Easter in 2003 on April 27th. 2 years later, EXACTLY 2 YEARS LATER on April 26th, 2005 this GRANDIOSE SIGN was given to me. Jesus is coming! I am humbled by this. I am not a perfect person, nor claim to be one. I am no one special, but my heart is in the right place and Jesus is my Lord and Savior.
Recapping these events and afterwards things also happened to confirm some things:*My 2nd partnership leads me to this latest sign of 2's and to Luke 4:18 by means of the odd two occurances of the 2 - 4:18's where I find out about Jubilee and the Acceptable Year of the Lord in the next verse which I oddly was doubly led to from Pastor Joel and my own Bible being stuck on the same page 2 days in a row 2 verses prior to this.*This inmate who oddly enough knew my 1st business partner shows me a book he got from REVELATION MINISTRIES, in Texas.*My New Busness TAX ID NUMBER that I got on 4:18 starts like this 20-26xxxxx. *This book says the next Jubilee is 2029 and that the year 6000 on this particular Hebrew calendar is 2026 in our calendar.*It also says that Jesus was born April 1st, which my mom was born on.*The inmate in the prison who had this book, first name is Daniel.*The prophet Daniel talked about 69 weeks for some kind of revelation prophecy. *The next Jubilee Year 2029 is the 69th Jubilee. Trumpets blow hard and long in Jubilee YEARS!*Joel was the name of the Pastor whom I helped create his book cover design. *In Joel Chapter 2 - it starts out 1Blow you the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the inhabitants of the land tremble: for the day of the LORD comes, for it is near at hand. *Before speaking with Pastor Joel on this matter of the coincidence of Joel Chapter 2, he emailed me this note, "God spoke to my mom when she was pregnant, and told her, "You are going to have a son, and you are to name him Joel." and then He told her to look up Joel 2:28-32. My mom did not even know that there was a book in the bible called Joel!"*The signs of 2's recorded in this book started for me on the 2nd Sunday after Easter 2005, which was April 27th, 2003.*EXACTLY 2 YEARS LATER on April 26th, 2005 this sign of the Lord's return manifests into a GRANDIOSE SIGN!*The Lord as the Bridegroom will come for his Bride the Church, April 26th was the day I was married to my wife for the 2nd time, in Church! The first was at the Justice of the Peace so we got remarried a 2nd time*On the Sunday after April 26th, which was May 1st, 2005, in church that morning I was expecting something, anything from God on this matter at hand. The first song we sung that day in praise to the Lord was indeed about Jubilee and blowing the trumpets! The song was "These are the Days of Elijah".If you know the words to that song, that will give you some goosebumps, it did for me. *I emailed my friend Rob this and he also said that they had sung the same song in a different Church, which they had not sung in praise for a long time.
Why did this just all of a sudden come about? After Jesus read from the book of Isaiah, he did not finish the part about the Day of Vengence! He closed the book! I am and have been writing this book, and have recently wondered, when and if it will end. Could this be the big finale'? It truly is a big sign, especially of the end of times, of the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ, of which would finally explain the true meaning of all of these 2's. The second coming of Christ is truly a highly talked about and written about subject, but it is the topic we all wish to know about. I have seen so many incorrect thoughts, prohecies and guesses, that I would be a fool to say something I felt incorrect. However, after more than 2 years of getting signs of 2's, written and recorded in this book, I have a courage and faith in the Lord of what He has shown me, and what He wants to share with you! Could I be wrong? I was once before, I was by myself and got a sign and thought I knew what it meant. SO I pondered that for quite a while, and then came to the understanding that when by myself and get a sign, it was probably just for me and me alone. I also prayed that it not happen, my prayer could have been answered. So it is with a strict warning that I publish this. You have read all that has happened to me. Many amazing signs and miracles that cannot be disputed as many of them involved many people and acts which were totally out of my control. I don't know if this is the end of these signs, I sure love getting them and adding them to this book, but sooner or later all things, even life on this planet must end, but not eternal life with the Lord. We shall see what happens next if this latest set of coincidences will close my book, as the Lord did also close the book while reading from Isaiah Chapter 61 which is recorded in Luke Chapter 4. When I finished loading this file up to my server, to post it on the internet, the file size for this 2nd part of the Book called 2 was and is exactly 202kb is size.
So you can see how amazed at all of this I am. 2029 is not that far off. We shall not know the day, nor the hour, but we can surely know the year, we will surely see the signs of the times. And I believe I was led to share this with all, because of the verses in Luke 4:18,19. and the amazing set of coincidences that immediately followed. Also in Amos 3:7 it says,"Surely the Lord GOD will do nothing, but He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets" I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried. This is truly inspired from God, there are just too many coincidences to dispute it all. What I don't know is if there will be a Mid tribulation rapture or a full 7 year tribulation and then a rapture, but I do know that there is not going to be a pre trib rapture. We will have to endure till the end, and the END IS VERY NEAR! REPENT and seek the Lord, make your paths straight. He will accept you right now just the way you are, if you ask Him honestly and humbly and believe. He was born a virgin, He rose from the dead, and He will wash away all of your sins if you can humbly ask Him is all. It's that easy and simple, and He will save you because He loves you. Please heed this warning, I beg of you to pray about this and seek the Lord. I am sounding an alarm from my tower! Another warning, Prophetic messages can be wrong! Don't wait, what if your days on earth end tonight? What if you suffered a stroke or a heart attack or a car accident or some other odd thing? It also says that Jesus will come like a thief in the night! So don't think you have 20 years before you have to do anything like Repent and turn from your ways. Oh that would be a terrible and very costly mistake! Don't be a gambler. The End is NEAR, and may even be nearer than you think. I do warn, be born again, Amen! Thank you JESUS!

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April 18th, 2005 As things progress in life, we are often brought upon significant things in our lives that we will always remember, and then there are the normal everyday occurances that we may never even have a memory of in the future. Example - Can you tell me what you had for dinner 2 Tuesdays ago? Do you remember what you wore last Monday? But the significant things in life are things like getting married, having a child, getting a new job, moving to a new house, taking a big trip or vacation. These more significant things seem to hold a deeper place in our memories. With me, I find that when a significant event has happened, the two's seem to pop out more, and thus I can remember and recall them, with not only the amazing fact of there being a coincidence or sign of a 2, but that it is amplified with a significant event. Such is the case of this next 2. On 4/18/05 I started a new business called Digital ADForce with a co-worker/friend of mine. If you have followed this entire story so far, you will notice that this is now my 2nd business which is also a partnership of 2 people. On 4/18/05 I was given the go ahead to officially set up our business and to obtain a Federal and State TAX ID number. First I went online to the Federal website and obtained a tax ID number and then I went online to the State of Minnesota website and began getting the formas filled out for them. Before I did that I made a phone call to them in downtown St. Paul, and asked quite a few questions about some taxation questions I had. Later when I went on the website to fill out the forms, I ran into some problems and got a little frustrated when one of the areas of the forms would not let me input anything. So another delay, I tried it about 4 or 5 times and still had the same problems. I called down to St. Paul a 2nd time and talked to them again, and told them what I was experiecing and the problem I was having. They guided me through, I corrected 1 mistake and was able to continue the process. When I finally completed all of the steps, and officially became a new business in the State of Minnesota, the completion screen popped up and it was time stamped, 4/18/05 at 4:18pm. I looked at that and went, WOW! I stared at it for a while and I just thought about how God was working and seeing me through this entire process. Here is basically what had transpired to start this business. I had said some prayers a while back about our local theater. It's very old here in Moose Lake, It goes back to the early 1900's, 1919 I think. When you walk in, it's like a time warp. But the theater is in need of some Tender Loving Care. A leaky roof for one, points out the water stains on the ceiling, which adds to a musty smell that takes you right back to 1922. So as I prayed for the town theater to become financially sound so they would be able to make the needed repairs and improvements, I know that God heard my prayer. What I didn't know, was that he was going to use me to personally help. I like the little theater, I would hate to see it go. I love watching movies there and even though they are a few weeks later than the newer theaters with the new releases, we also save a few dollars as well. Well for the last 3 years I have been seeing advertisements at other theaters in other communities being played before the movie starts. And as I watched the ads running, I always thought to myself, I could do that. It would also be fun to do that. A few weeks ago, that idea stirred in me again and I ran the idea across a few of my friends, they didn't seem too interested. 2 days later this idea was still stirring in me, and I approached Paul, my new business partner. He was perfect for the task at hand, having meddled in some computer presentations and having an advertising background, he is also great putting words down on paper in a professional manner. I pitched him the idea as I would need his advertising voice and skills to get this all going perfectly. He was sold on the idea and loved it, his comment was, "I can't believe I didn't think of that already." We put together a demo DVD and I set up an appointment with the theater owners. Once they saw the demo, they said that it was professional and very well done. WOW, ok we are now in business, and that day was 4/18/05. So my 2nd partnership, happened on 4/18 and became official at 4:18pm. Things happening twice and consecutively. The doors seemed to open right up. We found the perfect projector at a price we could manage. And already the accounts are coming in. In 2 days I have 4 confirmed ad placements. My goal is 20 and I have 30 more days until we start showing ads on the big screen like no small town has ever seen before. We are going to make these presentations fun for the whole community along with the ads, there will be town trivia, movie trivia, fun facts, local high school sports photos, and even a submit your own photo of something fun or at a local event. It's really going to be fun, bring in a few extra dollars, I will get to learn about making some really cool presentations, of which I know alot already, but I know I can also get way better. The theater will be able to make some extra money to remodel and do repairs, and the whole community will have a part in it. Praise the Lord - we have not because we ask not. I didn't ask to get rich off of this, but this will surely help out alot in many more ways than even I know. Had I not gotten delayed on the website and made that mistake, the time I finished would not have been 4:18. Had I made the appointment with the theater owners on a different day, what would have happened then? It just all worked out like this, I had no control, but I had trust in God all along. With God all things are possible. Get a vision, chase your dreams, pray always and have joy in the Lord. Quite awhile back I bought a domain name called ChristianITV.com - It will be a Christian Internet Television station. I can see this progressing into that very nicely.

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March 14th, 2005 I would like to go back 6 days to March 7th, I wanted to let you all know that I bowled my highest series ever to date thus far. My scores were a 221, 224, 238 for a series high of 683. I was bowling against another man who about a month before this, had said some bad things to me, for which I forgave him and prayed to God for him. I was also blessed financially on this night more so than any other night at bowling. God's Word is true! Forgive your enemies, and let God work it out. 2 years ago if that would have happened to me and he said those things, I would have knocked him to the ground, or at the least made a big scene and called him quite a few colorful, slanderous and demeaning names. I am glad God has shown me wisdom and peace. I have many other testimonies about things of this nature, especially at work, where my name is brought up for the things I now believe to be true in God, but rather than sling mud back at anyone, I am just praying for them and their families. I know God will work these things out also.
Today I also added alot more poems that I have written over the past 3 months. God has really given me some really awesome words to write down in poems that have a story line and a message to them. I hope you have some time to read a few of these newer ones.
More Christian Poems!

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March 10th, 2005 Before I finished those files today I was at work at the prison. Something odd happened that I do not know the meaning of yet. Here is what happened. A co-worker of mine brought in a newspaper. In the paper there is a fun puzzle called the JUMBLE. What was odd about today's JUMBLE puzzle was that the Duluth paper made a mistake and accidentally printed it in the paper twice! One right on top of each other in the same column. They should have printed the JUMBLE puzzle and then below it printed another different cryptogram puzzle, as the title showed, but for some reason the JUMBLE was printed twice. I guess no one at the newspaper caught the mistake and out it came in print for everyone to see. These kinds of things are very very rare and very odd to say the least. To me I take this as a sign when these oddities happen. Especially when things happen with a 2 or twice etc... So I thought to myself, I just have to work this puzzle out and obtain the answer. Another rare thing is that I even seen this at all. I hardly ever read the paper, I mean, out of 365 days in a year I bet I look at 20 all year long. And only because a co-worker brought it in did I see it in the first place, adding to the rarity of this in a big way. So I porceeded to do the puzzle and with my co-worker's help we arrived at solving it. The clue went something like this, What you would need to help the town from being flooded. There was also a quote and it said, we will need tax dollars to get something like this payed for. The answer to the puzzle was, "A LEVEE LEVY". A Levee is a wall built to hold back high waters, a Levy is what would be passed by legislators to impose a tax. WOW, huh? 2 words pronounced LEVEE but spelled in 2 different ways and meaning 2 different things. That is so odd that this kind of puzzle came out on a day when there was a major mistake of 2 JUMBLE's getting printed and just when all of the other signs of 2's were happening with the book cover I was making for them to print at a printer. Now I don't know if the Levee thing means anything at all or was just a fun coincidence God gave to me as a treat for getting through the past events. I have no idea. A flood? Do we need a Levee? Do we need a Levy, to build a Levee in this town? Are God's gifts to us being poured out now as likened to a flood? Many questions that I have not the answers to. I guess only God knows and time will tell if this Levee thing means anything at all or was just a part of a fun sign. I know one thing, for me, I am having a blast! I am reading my Bible every day, and just a week or so ago, I finally finished reading the entire Bible for the very first time! Now as I am reading other parts for the 2nd time, I am picking up more things and getting new meaning and more understanding to what I did not understand the first time. God's book, "The Bible" is alive! When we first get to know God He gives us milk to drink, as in a newborn child, they cannot digest meat and vegetables, they need milk. As we grow in Christ, He will slowly ween us off of the milk and feed us the meat. This process is different for everyone as to how well they mature and grow. I look at the gift of the 2's as likened unto desserts. I like desserts! Cake, Ice Cream, Pie, oh I love pie! Brownies, cookies, you name it! But along the way God has taught me and showed me that I can't just live, nor get closer to Jesus with just the desserts. If all I got were signs and wonders, (desserts) then I would not be well fed, nor well balanced, nor rooted in deeply as I need to be. So I have definately learned some things about the Meat of God's Word, Jesus as the bread of Life, The fruits of the Holy Spirit, and the vegeatbles too! About a month or so ago, I was praying to God about just this very thing, about the food we eat and it being compared to spiritual food. I was at work and while eating lunch I was talking to God about this food thing. I told God I knew what the meat was, and that I knew Jesus was our bread, I even knew about desserts! The signs and wonders, healings, miracles and feeling the Holy Spirit move. But I asked God, what are the vegetables? I asked and prayed for this answer for about 10 minutes. And then I heard that still small voice of God tell me, "TESTIMONIES". WOW I thought, that is really profound! What wisdom has he just shared with me! There are many side dished that we eat, and there are billions of testimonies out there that need to be shared. When we share a testimony, we are feeding God's sheep as he asked with a part of the spiritual food they need! Just like kids do, we often skip the veggies because they don't taste as good, and the kids see the pie over on the counter, and they do not want to finish their dinner, they want to jump righ to the pie! Well God just told me with one word, that we need to share our testimonies so the Body of Christ can be fed its vegetables! Don't keep it in, what God has done for you! Share, share, share! This is what the freely give as you have been freely given to refers to! If God has done something in your life, share it! Give your testimony of this. We all need to be fed a well balnced meal, even the Pastors need to hear good testimonies so they too can be fed. The Pastors need to tell the Body to share more testimonies. This in turn, will feed the Body and once the Body of Christ is well fed, and well nourished, we can look forward to more desserts! Halelujah! The book I am writing is one big huge gigantic testimony! God gave it all to me freely, and I am just trying my best to give it back freely. WHen we hear testimonies, it build our faith! What can we do with greater faith? Oh the possibilites are endless with God and faith in Him! Glory to God!

A month or so later, I was working at the prison and my co-worker Jerry and I kept hearing the song "The House of the Rising Son" - It is about a house of ill repute - a whorehouse - in New Orleans. We would hear it in the oddest way and for some reason Jerry even had dreams about it. God was telling us something about New Orleans, but we had no clue to put these events together and to know what they would ultimately mean.

As we all now know, on August 23rd, 2005 a tropical depression was formed in the Atlantic and on August 29th, 2005 that storm was a category 5 hurricaine that slammed into New Orleans, flooded the Levees, or actually broke them, and the entire town was completely flooded in one of if not the worst natural dissaster in our countries history. Were we warned to pray? I did not know that this sign could have meant that, but I somewhat suspected something was to come of this. I just had no idea of the magnitude. I asked, "Do we need a Levee? A Levy for a Levee?" I guess we did, but we needed bigger ones than what we had. I don't think I would have known how to even pray for something like this. I did pray about it. I think we need more prayer from more people to be in one accord over these bigger things like this. Like our countries leaders, and laws that have been passed. We all need to pray that the right thing be done, and that the righteous people are put into those positions of authority, or we as the people may be guilty of what becomes. Pray for the Supreme Court Justices to be nominated righteous men and women, pray for our President and all other offices to be righteous God Fearing men and women. If we do that, we will again be blessed as a country. Right now if we don't change our ways soon, we will be held accountable, and that will be a great and terrible Wo, you will not want to experience. Repent and make the path straight America.

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January 24th, 2005 I have been working on a project for a new aquantance of mine. I think God put us together and here is how this story goes. A Pastor in Florida was working on a book that He and his wife co-wrote. It's called "The Man of Her Dreams the Woman of His!" And to promote this book he asked around if someone could look into his website and see if they could offer some suggestions. Word was passed through the Hunter Ministries on to Dale Ross who then forwarded it to me. I took a look at his website as I do know quite a bit about them, and offered some very good suggestive help and I offered to make a graphic for them. It didn't take too long to do and I was happy to help out and lend a hand.
Well one thing led to another and a few weeks later they wanted to promote their book again and do a mass emailing and they wanted some more graphice made into a better design and I began working on that as well. After I finshed the design for them, they liked it so much that they wanted to use the new graphic to actually use it on the cover of their book for when they do a new printing of it. So I started to make a graphic for them with the intent of it now going directly on the cover of their book. Their publisher was going to email me over a file with a graphic of 2 hearts that they liked and I was to incorporate that into the new cover. I was almost finshed with the cover and just waiting for this file to be sent. I received the file on February 8th, 2005 and the email contained 2 JPEG graphics of the 2 hearts and I received it at exactly 2:22pm. Now to me this kind of thing grabs my attention and i just got that feeling that God's hand was all over this. But this led me on a very fun journey. The journey however was not all that smooth though, there were quite a few bumps in the road, road blocks, and other obstacles to get around, over or through. First of all I was not making the graphics large enough to be transferred properly to a printers program for printing it out in the number of Dots per Inch that they needed. I was just looking at the size of the graphic on my computer screen and figured that saving that at 300 dpi would suffice. But upon sending the printer the final copy, they put it into their software program and it came out at 2 inches by 2 1/2 inches in size. Oh no! Back to the drawing board! I prayed to God to help me figure this thing out, lead me, guide me, send me some help, and as before and many times like this when obstacles come up, I now know that God does want to help me, and all of us, if we will just ask and then believe that He will. So I asked, and then I was led to the answer to fix the problem, but it was going to mean that I had to remake the entire graphic over again from scratch. I had already spent about 2 weeks on it and now I was going to have to redo the whole thing. That was kind of frustrating, but I really learned alot, got a chance to act in faith, and practiced much patience with this matter at hand.

March 9th, 2005 I finished making the front book cover over again for the 2nd time and when I was done, I uploaded the files to the printers server. Now here is the neatest thing about all of this. The file was very large and when saved in TIFF format, which is what the printer wanted it saved at, came in at exactly 22.2 Megabytes. WOW, I thought, isn't that strange. Not at all I thought again, it is 100 percent God! With this file being so large, I could not email it, I had to load it directly to the server and as I uploaded the file, my sending box popped up on the computer and said, "Time remaining for file transfer - 22 minutes." WOW! I wasn't even 100 percent sure that the printers were actually going to be able to use this new file yet, but the signs were sure popping out at me. I just had this hunch that we were about to finally finish this long project once and for all! The next day we got good news! They could use the file I had made! WAHOOO! Thank you Jesus! Pastor Joel who had written this book, was told by them that they should get a professional and would probably have to pay very high fees to get this done. That the work I was doing would not be of high quality for this project. We kept the faith and let God guide us through this. I finished the back of the book and the side of the binding and loaded those files up as well. The front cover and the back cover both came in at 22.2MB in size. Again, with God, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE! just hang in there and don't give up.

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December 27, 2004 I have to go back a bit to November 15th, this is a day that I was led to a computer chat room that was not in the Christian category, so I was not doing my regular fellowshipping with my friends in Christ this night. I just felt called to go somewhere else, and I think that it is very important to get out once in a while, out of our comfort zones. I was led to a geneology room and just hung out for a while and then they asked me questions like, Do you know your ancestry? Where did you come from? I responded, Yes I do! I know I came from Adam, and then from Noah, but inbetween Noah and my Great Grandfather, I have no clue! hehe. And as far as my Great GrandFather I was not too certain of that either. Totally free in a room on Paltalk.com, these folks helped me to find a census record of my Great GrandFather from 1910! They emailed me the scan of the original census at 2:02AM. Wow, Joseph and Clare Flipp. Joseph was from Switzerland and my Mom confirmed that she had known Grandpa Flipp was from Switzerland. I didn't know why God wanted me to learn of my ancestry, I just thought, cool! This is kinda neat, and I just somehow knew it would be used in the future, i just didn't know how or when. So this thing sat in my mind until now. I thought it had only been a few weeks ago that this happened, but as I looked up the old email of when they sent me the census, I see now that it has been about 6 weeks. Today I got an email, out of the blue from someone who typed in their last name of Flipp and they found themselves here at this website and read some of my poems. They emailed me and asked if I knew of other Flipp's, the name is very rare and that maybe, we could even be relatives somehow. Well I sent them back an email telling all I knew and about the 1910 Census and that Great Grandpa Joseph was from Switzerland, and she replied back to me that her past relatives were also from Switzerland. This person also said that they are christian and enjoyed my poems. WOW, isn't that odd how God brings people together. A few weeks back my Mom told me that her Dad who was also a Joseph (Jr.) was born the same day as my son, Michael Jr. - December 4th. In order to find out if we are related, we would need to do some research in some old Swiss records to find out about the Flipp's there. Maybe I am being called to go to Switzerland? As always we shall see. I'd love to go! At this stage, I am very open to anything and everything, but now also know to just have patience and let the Lord work things out. I am trying not to jump to any more conclusions, but you just have to wonder, this is really amazing! What does it all mean? It's definately a journey on a grandiose scale. The person who emailed me will soon be printing this out to read it they said, I hope they have alot of ink in thier printer! This thing is getting long - Glory to God!

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December 13th, 2004 My Wife and her Father flew out to California to visit my Wife's brother. On this day they returned and when they landed, they landed on runway number 22, pulled into gate 22 and the time it was scheduled to arrive was 2:22. When my Wife saw that in California before she left, she said to me when she returned home, "I knew our flight was going to be ok". Thank you Father for their safe return home.

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October 31st, 2004 At around 10:00 PM I was reading a book called, "Are We Living in the End Times?" by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins, and as I was reading this particular paragraph I sneezed twice! Well, usually that is not that significant of a thing. But let me share with you what I was reading. Keep in mind I have no cold nor allergies of any kind. Here are the words written that I read,"In November 1997 the U.S. stock market fel more than five hundred points in a single day. Wall Street almost panicked because it feared its greatest nightmare had returned - a 1929 type crash followed by a 1930's type depression. (I sneezed twice at about this point) Fortunately, that didnt happen; the market rebounded over three hundred points the next day. In the meantime, however, the market in Hong Kong dropped drastically, then likewise rebounded. This incident proves that we have a global economy so interdependant that if Wall Street gets a cold, Japan, Hong Kong, London, Berlin and other key markets start to sneeze. That" And that is how the page ends. Now notice the word sneeze is the 2nd to the last word on this page! I then thought and thought about why I had just sneezed while reading this? I then prayed to God and asked Him if this meant something about out current stock market? I thought about it some more and asked if I should move some of my deferred compensation plan monies out of the high risk stock investments and move them into some low risk funds? I asked for a confirmation sign as I was rather amazed by this and that if it meant what I think it meant then surely something will happen to the stock market in November. So I picked up the book again and then I saw the page number that I was reading, page 202! WOW, Oh My! I have never been given a sign like this as of yet and this was something absolutely fortelling of the future. I dont know what is going to happen. I feel that there will be a drop in the stock market, a big drop. How big I do not know. When in November I do not know. God has not given me any meaning of this, and seeing as how I was alone, was this meant only for me and for me to move my funds? (I have prayed for this for God to let me know where I should put my funds, whether in stocks, or safe funds, so I will be moving my funds to safe). I dont know if it will be like what was in the book as far as it dropping 500 points and then rebounding 300 the next day. Only time will tell and we shall see how this goes. Will something happen this November or in someNovember to come? Thank you Father for this sign. What does it mean....if anything?

November 9th, 2004 Just something kind of fun happened today, and it has to do with the lottery. I very seldom ever see the actual live drawing of the lottery numbers as they happen live on the TV. But today I did and as the daily 3 numbers were being drawn I watched them. As they started coming out I said to myself in my thoughts, "222" and as they came out, the first number was 2, I thought, hmmmmm, WOW. As the 2nd number came out 2, I again thought with much more interest now, Double WOW! As the 3rd number came out again, another 2, I was blown away! Now what does this mean? I did not purchase a daily 3 ticket for this day, I never purchase daily 3 tickets. In a years time I might have a chance to see the live drawing maybe twice in a year. So it was very rare that I even saw this to begin with. The odds of me seeing the show live, very rare. The odds of me picking 222 in my mind, not so rare now that I am looking for 2's. But the odds of those numbers coming up are 1 in 1000. But the rare thing here, is that I watched them live as they were drawn.

November 11th, 2004 On most days you will find me online at a website called paltalk. It is a place where you can talk in a room, and type messages in a room to and with people from all over the world through your computer. What a powerful tool if used properly. Can you imagine? Just 10 years ago this was not possible like it is today. I can talk with someone from Florida, Ohio, California, Minnesota, Jerusalem, India, Pakistan, and from many other places all over the world at the same time! I often pray and preach and fellowship on this website. I have helped out families in need, and I know people have been healed right over the internet as they were being prayed for, thousands of miles away from me! That is the power of the Lord! There are no limits to his healing power ever! You just need to believe in Jesus and that He can do these things and that we can be used as a vessel in which this power is activated in the Name of Jesus. This is truly amazing! This has potential unlike we have ever seen in our day and age, nor in any other age in history!
So on this particular day, I prayed to God to guide me to the room that He wanted me to be in, as there are usually many rooms in the christian category on paltalk. I was led to one room in particular and this room held my attention for what the people in the room were speaking about I sensed as the true words of the Spirit of God and the things of which they were speaking of at the time truly lined up with God's word. And as I stayed in this room and prayed over the people in this room listening to the messages being told, the man in the room preaching was named Brian. Brian began to give words of knowledge to some of those in the room, and I thought and sensed that I would receive a sign or a word in this room as well, but after 3 hours it did not come to me quickly or plainly as I have thought. But I did not become upset, I just kept praying the Lord's spirit come into those who were willing to accept it. And that God's will be done in this room. And then a vision popped up before me in my mind of something I had done just 15 minutes prior to me coming in this room.
Before I came into the room, I was looking for some car keys to an older car I have parked outside in my driveway. This car had been sitting for a few months and had not been started in that time. So it was upon me to find the keys to this car and start it and let it run for awhile. As I looked for these keys I could not find them, which then led me to a basket in which I have many spare keys, and as I dumped out the basket to look for a spare set of keys for this car, I saw an older set of keys in which my wife had written on a tag attached to them for her nephew Brian who used to live with us. The tag said,"Brians Keys". After I had seen those old set of keys, I did find the spare set of keys I was looking for and I did go out and start this older car. And after being in this room for 3 hours and eagerly waiting a sign or a word from the Lord, then this vision popped into my thoughts, very big and the vision was of the tag in the basket that said Brian's Keys. I saw "Brian" most predominantly on the tag, and then I realized that the man speaking in the room was named Brian! Ahhh, there is something here I then thought, a coincidence that I have missed. Then I knew that I would now receive a sign or a word from God. And then the 2nd part came over me! When I first came into the room, and at that time I did not know the man speaking was named Brian, I had only learned that after staying in this room for quite awhile as people who knew him began to call him by his real name, for in paltalk, people get to choose a nickname to be called by. So it is not until you get to know someone over time, that you will learn there real names. And I remember when i first came into this room, of which I have never been in this particular room before, this man was preaching about KEYS! He was preaching about Keys that the Lord had shown him, 7 of them, and more a different types were being added to them. The original Keys, Brian's Keys were this: repentance, restoration, realignment, retraining, restraining, reviving, and releasing and then he had another set of them revelation, great grace, fear of the lord in intimacy and the last key given to him just 2 weeks ago. Once I had realized the importance of this sign of 2, as in the Brian's Keys coming up twice and consecutively, I knew the Lord who had given Brian these keys, was now showing them to me and wanting me to include them in this book. It took over 3 hours of being patient, and I almost missed this sign because I did not know the speakers name and did not put his name together with the KEYS that he was speaking of. And after I realized his name was Brian, then I was able to put these things together. But not until the Lord had put into my mind the vision and remembrance of the tag on one of my spare sets of keys we had once given to a nephew of ours who stayed with us for a time in the past. Brian will be emailing me soon about the full meaning of thses keys, and I just needed to post this as soon as I could, because I bleiev it to be important. And also that things that the Lord shows to me and gives to me in signs, I need to share so that they dont slip away from my memory and it would be a terrible thing for me not to remember these signs given to me by God. I feel this and all of these signs given to me are and will be used for something important.

November 14th, 2004 At church today, I could really feel the Spirit of God come into the members there, especially some young women at the church. We were prasing the Lord and singing unto Him, a special song, one that I really like was being sung to the Lord by All of us in one accord, the song was called "Healing Rain" by Michael Smith. And after that we sung another song called Let it Rain, Open the flood gates of heaven and let it rain... as the words go. A young woman in the worship team fell at her feet and began to weep loudly. The pastor then called others up who wanted to receive prayer and more women began to weep loudly. It was so emotional. I just continued to pray in the Spirit as God began to touch these women. I felt a connection to this song about Healing Rain and that it comes with fire, that I went out the next day and bought the CD. I have a sense of a healing coming to us and this nation but that the healing will come with fire. And this song continues on saying ... to be not afraid. I bought 2 CD's of which one would be for a gift for a friend at work, and I gave her the choice of which one to take. She took the other one and left me with the one containing the song "Healing Rain" that had touched me at church on this day.

November 21th, 2004 I went to the football game today with an old friend of my Dad's who has not been to a Minnesota Vikings Football game in over 20 years, he is 66 years old. I had asked a few people to go to the game, without any luck. But I did pray to God about who I should take. And I was led in the spirit to invite this man named Noel. Here are a few fun things that happened and the signs of 2's come up in quite a few areas here. The rarest score in football is a 2 point play. It can be done in 2 different ways. I had a sense that there would be a 2 point play today called a safety, but I thought that it would be my team getting it. But just the opposite happened, the other team, called the Lions from Detroit, sacked our quarterback in the endzone and they received the rare 2 points for this play. Oh what a bummer I thought! LOL. But I kept enjoying the game. In the 2nd half of the game, my home team, The Vikings, scored a 2 point conversion play after a touchdown, which normally they would only go for scoring one point. But they tried for 2 points and succeeded! WOW, fun to watch!. My team ended up winning the game 22 - 19. This is a very odd score for football. Here are a few other fun things that happened. Noel bought me 2 dinners that day, and he bought me a lottery ticket, on this ticket the power ball number came up with the number 2. When we arrived at the Dome to watch the game, they were handing out free team photos of all of the Vikings players. I looked at it and saw that in the first row the players were numbered from 2 to 22! WOW, interesting! In the 2nd row I saw that the first players name was Michael, and I saw that the last player in the 2nd row, his last name was Smith. I just bought a CD by a christian singer name Michael Smith about a week ago. Very Fun day! Thank you Father!

December 1st, 2004 Well as November came and has now gone, I look back at the sign I received October 31st and I have to wonder at what it means exactly, for it did not mean what I perceived it to mean. This again was the first such sign like this and in this fashion that I have gotten about some future event, so my experience with it is limited. I had thought that due to what was written in the book I was reading that November would see a decline in the stock market. What I did notice with the stock market was that consumer conifidence was down in the US and thus companies in Asia and Japan that produce electronics, also went down, for their number one consumer of their products is the US. So what I was reading is true, that when the US gets a cold in the market, the other countries begin to sneeze. But I think this sign still means something more than this, for we all know how linked the world's stock markets are nowadays. What or when will we see a dramatic move in stocks? I do not know. I thought the Lord was telling me this. But I may have jumped the gun, and I am humbled by this. Making an incorrect inference of what this sign means was not my intention, nor was it to bring about some sort of scare. But as I see the signs of the times, I think anyone would have assumed this as well. Right now the US dollar is at one of its lowest points against other currencies in the world, Gold is rising and many people are investing in other world currencies. Many people do feel that the stock market in the US is very unstable and some are worried. What would a collapse in the market do to out country right now? I dont know, it wouldn't be good I suspect. A depression, oh my. But what if this sign meant the opposite? That because we are going up, the rest are too? I just don't think that is the case that this sign is making. I think it really has to do now with preparing ourselves for a possible decline and God is giving us plenty of time to do that. Could I be wrong on this? YES! So I cannot help anyone out anymore than giving you the set of circumstances that I have gotten and letting you determine what they mean. I am just the messenger. Thank you Father and I thank you for your continued guidance and your endless mercy. May you watch over us all in these times.

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September 30th - October 2nd, 2004
The Healing Explosion Begins! And I was attacked. My Wife received a call that her Mother had cancer in her throat and her lungs collapsed. I thought oh wow, oh no! I prayed and everyone I knew there prayed for that cancer to leave her body. My wife asked me to come home immediately, but I could not. I was torn in 2 directions. I did not know what to do. I felt the devil was luring me away from something magnificent, and yet I knew my wife needed me there too. I made a hard decision to be obedient to the Lord. I prayed and prayed and was given a word by God in my desperate prayer. I was told, "Do what you came here to do and i wil take care of the rest". Even after getting this word from the Lord, I was still perplexed at what to do. It was not an easy thing to decide. It was very difficult for me and I wept over it. Then a man whom I just met named Glen said that he felt called by the Lord to share with me a story. He said that he had a very large tumor some years back, in his stomach. As he was a larger man this tumor was not noticeable. He did not tell anyone about it not even his family. And the Lord told him one day to go and see this evagelist and he was very reluctant as he did not like the scene around him. It was all a bunch of hype and he could just as easily talk to God himself. But the Lord again told him to go and see this evangelist and have him pray for you. Glen again declined and said Lord, why? We have a relationship, and I dont need his prayers as i know you Lord well enough and Glen said that he had given the Lord permission to take him. Again the Lord told him to go! So finally Glen went. And when that evangelist was looking around a crowded room with as many as 50 people or more, he turned quickly and pointed to Glen from across the room, and said You! The Lord told me to pray for you! So Glen approched the evangelist and he told Glen that the Lord was healing his heart. Glen did have a heart problem. Then he said the Lord is Healing your diabetes, and Glen said he didnt have Diabetes, but that he had Hypo Glycemia, and he said the Lord is healing that now too. And then the evangelist touched him on his stomach of which no one, not even Glen's family knew of this, And he said the Lord is also healing you here. And immediately Glen's pants almost fell to the floor as he lost 3 inches off of his waste size! Glen was healed of that tumor and the other 2 things that the evangelist pointed out by knowledge from the Holy Spirit. And Glen told me that the moral of this testimony that he was led to share with me was to be obedient. And I received that message, and knew in my heart that I had to be obedient. My trust was now completely in the Lord. I sensed that He would surely be taking care of everything as He had said. I told my wife that I would be coming home as soon as this was over.
Now alot of thoughts were going through my head, It was almost par for the course that something like this would happen. The devil is truly predictable at times. He comes to lie, cheat and to steal and he was doing exactly that. No mystery there. But I was led here for a reason, and I had to see it through to the end. I had to be obedient. I just had to and there is no other way I can explain the drive I had within me. We started web casting the event live over the internet and there were 5 of us that came to Houston, Texas and we all helped with this mission. There was Dale Ross, Christine, Fred, my Dad and me. And we proceded to do just what we came to do. We were praying for people and going through the healing classes, and going down on the field and were received prayers and many people were healed even in the 2 days prior to the actual Big Event. Not every single person was healed, but I saw many that were and we interviewed people that did receive healing. One lady got out of her wheel chair and was led to walk up the steps near the stage. She did it really gingerly, and then we interviewed her and she walked over and practically ran up those steps! WOW, Glory to God! One lady received a brand new tooth! There used to be a decayed one there with a large filling, and now there was in its place, 1 pearly brand new white one! She and her husband were astonished! They couldn't believe it! But the power of God was awesome! Even over the internet, people were getting healed and accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Savior! My Dad's friend Judy on the final Big Day, was totally healed of Fibromyalgia Glory to God! Joan Hunter called down to the field everyone that had the disease and when she prayed for the people their at the Astrodome, even the people listening to it live over the internet were healed of this! Praise the Lord! I can now see where the future lies in healing, I can literally see thousands and even millions of people across the world sitting at their computers and listening to events like this and getting healed and typing in over a chat line their testimonies! I can see how important this will become to the body of Christ and I know that the Lord will use his saints too minister in this fashion to the entire world at once! Can you just imagine the awesome power of God working in this way? WOW, it gives me goosebumps just thinking about a million or more people getting healed at once in all corners of the world. While we were in the broadcast booth videoing the Healing Explosion 2 female workers stopped by and asked us what we were doing? We told them and they semed interested. We then asked them if they needed prayer. The older woman said, YES, she needs prayer for her finances. She has no food and her power was just shut off. So Dale, Fred and I all layed hands on her shoulder and head and prayed for her finances. When we finished, she looked at me and tears ran down her face. All I saw was the Love of Jesus, and a truly thankful heart that was supernaturally changed. She was so moved by what the Lord had just done. Later that afternoon, I saw her again in the hallway and I began to talk to her some more about the gift that she had received. I mentioned to her that when God gives you a gift, you are to share it. And when God knows that you will share the gifts that he gives to you, he can entrust you with more. I told her that she needed to tell people about what happened. I told her to tell her family and friends. I told her to tell her co-workers and even strangers at the grocery store what the Lord had done for her. And she really was listening intensely. I then told her the parable that Jesus taught about the Master leaving and giving his servants 5, 2 and 1 coins. And what they each did with them. The one who got 5 turned it into 10, the one with 2 turned it into 4, but the one who got only 1, buried it for fear of losing it. They did nothing with it. They did not even put it into the bank to draw interest. So even though that servant only had one coin, it was taken from them and even more because of the way they mishandled the responsibility of it. I told the young woman that if she wanted to receive more gifts from God, then she needed to first be entrusted with a little to see what she would do with it. I told her the best thing she could do was to tell everyone about it and Praise the Lord for it. She really understood this concept and thanked me and walked away. She got about 20 feet away from me and stopped. She turned around and started walking towards me really quickly. As she approcahed me, she held out her hand and said,"God just now told me to shake your hand". I was amazed and said,"Really?" She said, "Oh Yes!" I heard Him loud and clear, he said, "Go and shake that man's hand". I reached out and shook her hand and looked into her face again, and she had some tears of joy in her eyes. She turned and walked away again and as she did, I could still hear her saying, "God told me to, I heard Him, I heard Him. He said to shake that man's hand....." I was still in awe. You do not know how much that meant to me to hear that. That was from God. My creator. The all powerful mighty one himself and he told this young woman to shake my hand. I felt like crying right then and there. It was like an attaboy, straight from God! WOW. I felt humbled, I felt honored, I felt I made a difference and did something right. I felt I did something good. I felt alot of things. But WOW, it was like shaking the hand of God in person. Something that inncoent and simple, made me melt. It softened my heart. Earlier in that same hallway, I asked God for a word in tounges and he gave me one. I said it over and over and over again. Korianti, Korianti, Korianti, Korianti. I then asked God for another Word that I could say, and He gave me the Word Mahdi. So I repeated Korianti Mahdi, Korianti Mahdi, Korianti Mahdi, Korianti Mahdi. I then asked him for another Word and I was given Epru. So I repeated those 3 over and over many times. Korianti Mahdi Epru. Then I asked God for another Word and I was given Dahnti. So i said all four of those Words over and over again. Korianti Mahdi Epru Dahnti. I was laying my hands on the foundation concrete sides of the Astrodome and then I walked over to the main steel pillar I beams that hold everything up and I kept saying these 4 words over and over again. I soon found myself holding on to this Steel beam for I would have fallen down. I became what I think was "drunk in the spirit of God!" Praise the Lord! Since that time I have been given 2 more words to add onto those 4 and they are Wahntu Baney. I dont know what they mean, It just feels good to say them and pray them. So when I laid hands on the woman who needed finances, I prayed those 4 words over and over again. When I was on the field and praying for people I used those Words. I have alot more to learn. But I am willing, able, and trying my best. For months I knew I had the baptism of the Holy Spirit but I have never been able to speak tounges. I went down to the field when Charles Hunter was praying over everyone for this and I still didnt feel it flow like it should. I mean I tried, it just came out like babble. So I asked God for 1 word and I started with that. Then I asked God for another and another and another. So I definately got one very special thing that I came to get while I was there. I also became more intimate with God and I am learning to hear him more clearly which is really something that I want to do so much. I really think our minds get clouded and distracted with way too many things and we miss way too much that He has for us. So I want to learn how to listen and hear Him more clearly.
Now as far as the CrossFest goes I will tell you the rest of what I know. One night while in our chat room on Paltalk we were chatting with people from around the world as usual praying for people and spreading the gospel and 2 guys came into the room. I hadn't really shared the vision of the cross with too many people out of my circle, but I felt the need to when one man was talking about needing guidance from the Lord in his Music Ministry. I then shared the vision of the CrossFest with them. He had left the ministry and was not wanting to go back. but the Lord had pressed it upon his heart to make a choice. He had the opportunity to get a 53 foot trailer and convert it into a portable stage for doing concerts. But he was not even sure he wanted to be in the ministry and work for God anymore. So when I told him of the vision of the crossfest, he about broke down and cried, it was a very emotional moment for everone in the room to hear all that was happening. And as I explained about the locations of the cross that I knew about but did not know of any other points along the 39th parallel, I said that I had a hunch that it might be in Washington DC as this lies along the 39th parallel. And when I said that the other man who was a chaplain in the Armed Forces and who used to pray with our countries leaders, told me that it had to be it. I said, well why is that and what can I confirm this with? He said that he was from Washington DC and he had received some words from God about great things happening in that town in the future and for our countries leaders to become saved and many other things. It was so right, you could just feel it. The whole series of events was so full of God that we all just knew it was a divine appointment. So Washington DC was added as the Eastern Point along the cross. And this man knows alot of people in Washington DC to be able to get in contact with setting some things up. But I have since not spoken with him concerning the Cross any further. Now while we were at the Astrodome, we were giving out some T-Shirts to the people listening and watching over the internet. Dale had been giving most of them away over the past few days and I was given the opportunity to give a T-Shirt away. So I asked a question, a simple one of who was Charles and Frances Hunter's daughter? And a Man from England answered correctly first. So i asked him where he was from exactly and he said, Near Manchester. And when i heard that it was like I knew right then and there that I had been given the Western point of the cross. Because I had been studying the map, I knew what town was on the coast of California but I needed confirmation. I knew that the 39th ran Near a town called Manchester and when this man said, Near Manchester it just hit me. I knew it like you know something good is about to happen. What I didnt realize is that 2 of the 5 of us, Fred and Christine have relatives in Manchester, England. Hmm that was unexpected, but may have come out had I told them I was seeking confirmation of this town, but I did not want to force it. I wanted to let the Lord reveal it unto me in his own way. Another thing that I didn't realize at the very moment was that the cross was now completed. It just didn't hit me yet because I was leading myself a little too far in one area. I thought that going west the town that would split Arrow Rock and the West coast point would be Woodland Park, Colorado. But I was not getting any confirmations on this town. So when I got home and had some time it came to me to figure out just where the cross was at now. I also thought that the eastern midpoint would be somewhere in Ohio, possibly south of Dayton, but again, I was not getting a confirmation. Then a very simple idea hit me. Like God always does, he plops a very good thought into my head to measure things out. So I did, and just like I was able to take the 2 points of Austin and Hot Springs and find the middle of Arrow Rock, I took Washinton DC and Arrow Rock and found a town called Oxford, Ohio. I then took Manchester, California and Arrow Rock and split the difference and found a town call Orchard Mesa Whitwater, Colorado. Hmmmmmmm now that was interesting. It was very crudely done as the 39th parallel is not straight across on a flat map as the earth curves the map is compensated. The 39th parallel would run at an arc curving with the earths axis. So to make a perfectly straignt line along this curve I was not able to do, but with the skills that I had I was able to get very close. And what is surprising about Oxford, Ohio and Orchard Mesa Whitewater, Colorado? Well, I used to live on Oxford Street about 100 feet from the corner of Oxford and Orchard in St. Paul, Minnesota. Now isn't that a coincidence? I am right now 95% sure of these 7 points being the 7 true points along the cross. But I will await for FINAL confirmation of all 7 points as I do not want to make a mistake. The Lord will guide me and as I have done already, I have made premature guesses, but one good thing I always do is wait for confirmation. So with that said, I give to you the Cross that the Lord Jesus Christ has shown me. Where as these 7 points, 3 along the 93rd longitude line Austin, Arrow Rock, Hot Springs, and 5 along the 39th parallel (including Arrow Rock) Manchester, California, Orchard Mesa Whitewater, Colorado, Oxford, Ohio and Washington DC. Now the Cross Fest as it appears to me will be close to these main towns, but will more than likely be located out in some large fields near these towns. There will need to be about 400 or so and possibly as much as 1000 acres needed to hold the people and campers that will be flocking to these points. Where and how this will happen is not known to me. I believe that this cross will be used for belivers in Christ Jesus to come together at these points and to worship and praise Him. Families will come and there will be fun and games for the kids, there will be preachers from all over and evangelists, there will be healings in great numbers as I believe the 39th parallel signifies the stripes Jesus took for us and by these stripes WE ARE HEALED! There will also be at this event many Christian bands and gospel singers, as well as many local and area bands from some of the many churches surrounding these points. There will be baptisms being performed in nearby waterways. There will be singing and holding hands and people will sit around campfires and share testimonies and stories about the Lord Jesus Christ. There will be lots of food of many different kinds and there will be kindness and sharing with many. There will be alot of Love at these points and miracles, signs and wonders will be greatly seen and experienced. This event will be web cast live on the internet and people from around the world will be able to watch it. People from around the world will be sending in prayer reqests live during these events and they too wil be touched and healed by God. I pray that the Lord Jesus Christ show me the rest of the vision and where each location will be exactly. I do know that the first point of the cross I received was Austin, Minnesota, and when I visited there on Septemebr 26th, 2004, which was Atonement Sunday, that this is very significant somehow and that this Cross Fest will begin on an Atonement Sunday in Austin in the future. Maybe next year, or the year after, but I am not sure at the time I am writing this. I will post more as more is revealed and confirmed to me. Thank you Jesus for all of this! Thank you Father! And Thank you Holy Spirit! What an awesome gift this is to share with the World. I am humbled by the magnitude of all of this. This is truly GRANDIOSE like the parting of the Red Sea. I wrote in the beginning of this book, "why haven't we seen a miracle as great as the parting of the Red Sea?" Well now, just look at what the Lord is doing now! How can this not be anything but Grandiose! Oh Come Lord Jesus come! So while I was at the Astrodome, the Lord gave me the last piece that I needed to complete the cross. What started out as a vision to want to do one Music Festival, has turned into something much more than that, 7 times more than that, and fully annointed by the Lord. In the shape of a Cross, across the United States and along the 93rd and 39th logitude and latitude lines. WOW, I can't say WOW enough here. I am blown away by His power and grace. I want to cry, I want to yell for joy, I want to shout to the heavens and say HE IS WORTHY and I want to raise my arms up in victory in the Lord! But I know there is alot more to be done. When this tour kicks off on some Atonement Sunday in the future, I will do all of the above many times over. Thank you Jesus!

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September 26th, 2004
Today is Atonement Sunday and I began my journey towards Houston, Texas to attend the Grand Finale Healing Explosion with Charles and Frances Hunter at the Houston Astrodome. If you remember I was given signs to go there and go there I did!
But along the way I have an opportunity to stop along the way at some other places I have been led to. In June of 2004, I received several signs of a word, "Austin". I did not know what it meant exactly but one thought I had was that I will be going down to Houston, Texas soon, so could this mean that I was supposed to stop by Austin, Texas as well? I just remembered it and moved on.
In July while I was at the moondance Jam with my Dad, I had the opportunity to share a vision I had about a large Christian Festival with music and preaching, exhibits, many food vendors, healing services, baptisms in nearby water, evangelists, lots of games and fun stuff to do for the families who come to them, and outdoor camping, singing songs or praise over an open campfire and telling testimonies and stories about how Jesus changed thier lives. This guy that I was talking to immediately received it and started talking about Hot Springs, Arkansas and how they have this passion play down there, and he knew this guy who owns a hotel and that area would be great for some kind of event like this.
While explaining this event I said that it would be like a tour across the United States and that it would be located in strategic places across the country so that people would be able to get to them from anywhere in the country without having to travel too far. They would be able to go to the nearest point closest to them. My Dad then all of a sudden like yelled out, "A CROSS, the shape of a cross!" I quickly sat back and thought about it for a minute and I thought WOW, I am in northern Minnesota, and I bet Arkansas is right below Minnesota in nearly a straight line. WOW, neat. But I had no idea what i was about to find out when I got home.
Now if you have read this whole book so far you will remember me talking about these 2 dome homes that I thought would make a great place for a church and that it had 220 acres of land with it. I had an initial vision of wanting to have a festival in that place, 1 place, in northern Minnesota. But that place sold and that vision died. Or did it? I think now it was a seed and like all seeds, it was planted and died and then grew. And now instead of 1 festival like this, the Lord made 7 of them in the shape of a cross! And even more amazing, He revealed it to me, just a regular guy who wanted to do something fun for Jesus and Families and the younger generation. In the next few months what was revealed to me, was GRANDIOSE!
I came home with my Dad from the Moondance Jam and immediately pulled out a map book. I had this in my mind and it would not let go. When I saw that Minnesota and Arkansas were north south almost right on top of each other I began to get excited. I got out a ruler and put it on Hot Springs. As i went straight up north to Minnesota, to where I live the line was a tad off. It was not perfectly straight. So I moved the ruler into a straight line and looked at the cities in Minnesota that crossed the ruler line I had now made. And there it was, Austin! Not Austin, Texas but Austin Minnesota! WOW Very COOL! Now my heart was a pumping and my Dad was gettinga feeling of amazement as well. I felt like this was supernatural in the fact that these two towns were perfectly north and south in a straight line. This Cross Festival is really coming to life I thought! I then measured the distance between Austin and Hot Springs and came to a place on the map called Arrow Rock, Missouri. Hmmmmmm my Dad and I thought. Arrow - to make a straight line or path, Rock - the foundation of Jesus Christ as being the Rock. WOW, the name fit! As I looked at the map a little closer I noticed something else, the north south line that was just made on the map was exactly on the 93rd longitude line. WOW cool! What got really neat now was when you look at Arrow Rock, Missouri it falls on the 39th Latitude line. The Center of the Cross is on the 39th latitude and 93rd longitude line! OK now this is really getting outstandingly amazing! Its really blowing me a way as the expression goes.
So the vision of the cross was made known to me, and I began to share it. Just with my friends and family and christian brothers and sisters that I am close to at first. But as more things became known, the more I shared. Then I knew that this Cross Festival needed a name and that a domain name needed to be gotten for it in preparation for the future. I was going over many names in my head and looked them up, all were taken. Then one night in bed, the name hit me, or was flat out GIVEN to me. So I awoke the next day and looked it up and it was available. I then bought it. It was so simple and right in front of me the whole time, "CROSSFEST" would be the name of this tour across America. Crossfest.com is where you will find out the updates about what will happen at the events as they manifest themselves and as the Lord Guides me. This is HIS Festival, and He deserves all the credit for this, for I believe as I have now found out, that these places along the cross were made from the beginning of time as you will soon see as I explain more. Our Lord and Savior died on the CROSS for us. So that we could be washed clean of our sins, so that we could repent and live in eternity with our Father in heaven. This Festival will recognize the work that Jesus did on the CROSS. It will start on Atonement Sunday in Austin, Minnesota in the near future I hope, and continue Across America to the other points along the cross.
So as I started my journey south towards Houston, Texas I offered to give a ride to a Christian sister named Christine. We headed south out of Moose Lake, Minnesota at 3 am and drove about 5 hours to Austin, Minnesota. The night before we looked on the internet at the listings of churches in this town. And as we looked at the list, one church stood out. It was called the Vineyard. As we approached the Vineyard we stopped and bought gas and saw a man hitchiking for a ride. We gave him one and he said that he knew where the church we were looking for was. And he pointed the way to us. We told him we were on our way to the Healing Explosion in Houston and we also told him about the CrossFest that would be coming to this town. He said that he was a ministers son, and had found no other minister who could preach like his Dad. I asked him if he would like to hear a CD of Pastor Brian Zahnd and he said sure. He really liked it and was laughing and really getting into it in the back seat of the truck. We dropped him off and he said the church we were looking for was straight ahead. We found the church in an old dance hall building. Christing had a vision of us speaking to people in a large building on our way down to Houston. She saw this building before we ever arrived there. She said there would be a cross but it was not on the building. They have a large wooden cross in their parking lot. After we arrived we waited for it to open. We were very early. Soon someone showed up and began to open the doors and air the building out. The church had just suffered a flood and 10 days prior to us getting there, it was under 4.5 feet of water. Mostly everything was ruined. But the people at this church had cleaned it all up, they had gotten help from many people and from other area churches. And they had a vision there about using fire hoses to clean out the basement tunnels which had never been cleaned from past floods. There was alot of mold and mildew and this needed to be cleaned out they said. The Lord had also spoke to some and said that the old ways of the dance hall called the Terp, needed to be removed. And so they removed and cleaned this entire church. I was also told that Billy Sunday in 1906 preached there and caused a Revival in the town that started the many churches that are now in the area as a result of it. Also i was told that members of other churches have prophesied that thge Vineyard would be used significantly in the future for something big. They have prophecies of thousands of people coming there and sweeping gold dust that fell from the ceiling to the floor. They also shared many other wondrous things with me. I was feeling in my Spirit that this was the place to share this vision. So I spoke to Pastor Shinander and he allowed me to share the vision I had about the Cross and thier town being the northern point of it. We praised and worshipped the Lord that Day with about 30 people many of whom were sicj and coughing due to the bacteria they were exposed to from the recent flood. Many other members were not there at all as they were too sick to come. Pastor Shinander preached an annointed message to us all, as he had prepared another sermon, but was totally led away from it and after he spoke, he could still feel the annointing on him well afterwards. During worship I was prayed for and they said they felt a very large presence and power of the Holy Spirit emintaed from me. I could not feel anything. They were amazed at what they felt. I just kept singing to the Lord and thanking Him for this opportunity. Then a young man while praying for me, said that I had some doubt as to whether or not this was the place. And for just a split second I did have a doubt, but it didnt last long. But he received a word of knowledge about this and he told me that You had doubt, but do not have it, for this is the place I guided you to. And the hitchhiker you picked up, I placed there. And that was a word from the Lord to me about being there. I called my Dad on the cell phone when I was standing outside of the Vineyard church. My Dad was in Tupelo, Mississippi staying at the Ramada Inn. I told him about the church and the 1st town on the cross and while I was talking to him about it and how happy I was and how this was all feeling so right, He said to me, "You know what? There is a cross in the sky right outside my hotel room window! I said WOW, are you serious? He said, "I am totally serious! I have been watching these clouds as they have been swirling about all day, and they were clouds left over from hurricain Ivan that had just recently passed through near this area." I then told my Dad to take a picture of it, and he said, Oh yeah! I didnt think about that, so he took 2 photos. 1 with the flash on and he thought that it would white out the photo from the reflection of the window, so he took another without the flash. They both turned out. On both photos it shows a cross in the sky and a diamond shaped object on the window with a cross inside of that. 2 crosses! More amazingly, my Dad went outside to see in which directions this cross was pointing. And it matched the cross the Lord is showing to us. The longest tail pointing west and the next longest pointing east. The two shorter parts of this cross were pointing north and south. WOW. AMAZING! Click here to view the miracle photos of the cross. We left Austin, Minnesota totally filled up with the Joy of the Lord! All this on Atonement Sunday 2004.
Later that evening we arrived in Arrow Rock, Missouri not having a clue where we were to go or who to see, but knowing the Lord will guide us and just acting on pure faith in the Lord that He will guide us. It was dark and nothing was open. We drove into a campground and saw a man walking a dog. We stopped and talked with him. I asked him if he knew of any churches in the area to which I might be able to leave an importany message with. He looked at us in a puzzling, yet curious fashion. I then asked him if he knew Jesus? He said, " Well yes, yes I do! I am a minister. WOW, I said. Then I proceded to tell him of the vision I had and that I needed to tell someone in this town. So he directed me to the town where the churches were. The town has 2 churches but I did not know of which one to go to. So he said that he knew that one Pastor was named Van Horn. I said ok and left him. I went to a bed a breakfast and they guided me to a lady who owned another bed and breakfast. I gave the vision to this lady and she did not know what to do with it. But she said she would pass it on. I then heard that there were 2 historic churches in this town from her and one of the Pastors lived in Sweet Springs. She then showed me a map of Arrow Rock, Missouri and told me of the history of this town. She told me that since the beginning of America's westward journey in the wagon train days, that Arrow Rock has always been known as the CrossRoads. This was because people traveling by wagon train and on horse back would cross the Missouri River at Arrow Rock and the people traveling the river north and south would bring goods up and down the river and do alot of trading there. Then she told me that there is a huge salt mound there and that is mainly what drew them there becasue the animals would all be able to lick the salt there and the hunting was good there because of the abundant wildlife. Indians traded and met the white man there and there were many gatherings there in our history at this cross roads. Arrow Rock is located in Saline County. The Salt of the Earth! WOW! What a revelation! We thanked her and went on our way. As we got out onto the highway again we saw a sign that said, "Sweet Springs - 22 miles!" I was like WOW, that means soemthing! That pastor lives in Sweet Springs! I thought it was Van Horn, but that was not the case. I am writing this now and posting it tonight, October 13, 2004. I had just got off the phone earlier today with pastor Jack Thomas. He lives in Sweet Springs and get this, his address is Box 222a Route 2! I can now rest easy as I have confirmed the contact I am to have with this point on the cross. Pastor Thomas is with the Federated Church of Arrow Rock.
I then headed south towards Hot Springs, Arkansas. I arrived on Monday September 27th, 2004. Again not knowing where to go, I just acted on faith knowing that the Lord would guide me. As I came into town I immediately saw a huge sign that said "Christian Ministries" so I turned and went to that church feeling led. As we entered the building, a man working on the lights said hello, and asked us where we were from? I told him Minnesota and Christine was from Canada. He said that his wife was from Minnesota near St. Paul. I said I was born in St. Paul, he said I think she lived in New Brighton. I said I used to live in New Brighton as well. Hmmmm I thought. That is a coincidence. Then he said his wife was with some friends of hers as they were all planning to go down to the Healing Explosion in Houston, Texas. OK, Double WOW, I said, that is exaclty where we were heading! I then asked to speak to the pastor there. He went to get him for us. When I spoke to the Pastor, I told him of the vision of the cross over America and he seemed interested, but then he said that when they get visions or prophecy, they put them on the shelf so to speak, and then when they get confirmation of these things, then they would be able to act on it at that time. I said ok, that seems wise. but then I asked him a question and told him that I needed confirmation as well as to whether or not this was the place I need to be at. All I knew about the town of Hot Springs is how I was led to it from the beginning, which was they have the largest Passion Play in the world there and it has been running the longest. So the Pastor there informed me that this was correct. He said it used to be called, "The Witness" but then it changed. But he said that it was originally performed and created right there in that very church! I said OK Great! I took this as confirmation and I need not look else where to deliver this message. We said good bye and headed towards Houston, Texas for the Healing Explosion at the Astrodome! And do I have a testimony about that! WOW! When we entered the state of Texas, we were driving down a road out in the middle of no where it seemed, and up ahead in the road walking towards me was a man dressed in the brightest white robed garment I had ever seen. I looked really hard again, and thought, That's Jesus! And I looked closer and it was Jesus! So i shouted to Christine, Hey, There's Jesus! Christine looked out the window and up into the sky! LOL! So I pointed right at the upcoming figure in white. We both stared really hard. I saw his hair, long brown and He had a long beard too. His robe was bright white with not a speck of dirt and there were gold straps across his chest and wraping around him to hold the robe in tight. As we get near Him he waved at us so I said to Fanny, wave, and we did. Then He motioned his hand towards us and then waved it behind him as to lead us the way as a butler would do when you enter a mansion. Alomst as if to say, this way to the Astrodome. This all took place in approximately 20 seconds. After we passed Him and went around the corner, I thought and Christine thought, should we turn around? As if to see if we needed some further verification of what that really was. Then I said, Would it really matter? Christine said at the same time I did, Would He even be there when we got there? We kept driving, and it really made our day. We would drive on for a couple of ours and Christine would say, "We saw Jesus!" And we would both laugh and think no one is going to believe this! Well was it really Jesus or not? Could it have been some guy in a Jesus Costume perhaps? Well I tell you what. Knowing what we had just gone through, and the signs we received all the way down. The CrossFest towns, the Healing Explosion coming up, and all of that, you can think what you want to but I saw Jesus and Christine saw Jesus too. And that is where I am leaving that. Christine had a closer look being on that side of the truck, and she said she got to even see him smile. She can't explain it, but she aint been the same since! Someone later asked me, "Why didnt you take a picture?" Well if i would have reached down and got my camera out of the case, I would have missed the whole thing. And as to this being in the middle of no where along the highway and nothing around has to make one go, hmmmmm. and raise an eyebrow in serious thought. I guess I will leave it at that.

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